Revolution Timeline

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    Industrial Revolution

    It was a switch to manufacturing everything. Witch made many rich but many broke.
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    French Revolution

    The french people overthrew the monarchy. And took control of the government.
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    American Revolution

    It started from a shot fired at lexington and concord in massachusetts. It was to break away from the from the british.
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    Haitian Revolution

    it was a anti-slavery and anti-colonial act. That was fought by seldf liberated slaves.
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    Revolutions of 1848

    There were a series of republican revolts. That were followed by a widespread of disillusionment from liberals.
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    Xinhai Revolution

    It was a revolution to overthrow the last imperial dynasty. It established the Republic of China.
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    Russian Revolution

    It started because of centuries of oppression toward the lower classes. The were led by Vladimir Lenin.
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    Chinese Communist Revolution

    Its goal was to preserve Chinese Communism. By purging all Capitalism.
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    Cuban Revolution

    It was a movement by Fidel Castro's. To overthrow the Cuban President Fulgencio Batista.
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    Iranian Revolution

    The cause was Islamic people being suppressed.They took over and made it a religious democracy.