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Revolution Timeline

  • The king of Spain is deposed and therefore the citizens of Chile elect a junta

  • A Royalist army occupies Santiago

  • The Royalists are defeated at Chabuco

  • Chili becomes independent with Bernardo O'Higgins as supreme leader

  • Civil war between conservatives and liberals end in conservative victory, and O'Higgins is forced to step down

  • The Conservatives take power of Chili

  • A new constitution for Chili is signed into law

  • Chili goes to war with Peru and Bolivia

  • The war with Peru ends with the signing of the Treaty at Ancon

  • Chili and Bolivia end their war

  • Congress continues to fight with the president of Chili, making the country unstable

  • Dispute between congress and president ends with congressional victory with the prresident being reduced to a figurehead