American revolution hero h

Revolution Timeline

  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The British and French had always had conflict with each other, but once France started to explore into Ohio territory there were problems. Ohio was Britain's land, and this caused consecutive fights leading to war. The French formed allies with Native Americans, while the British went after French and Spanish land. The British won the war, but it lead to problems among the colonists causing the revolutionary war because of high post war taxes.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The act was passed by Great Britain, to make peace with the Native Americans who had been killing and harming colonists that moved on to their land. The French had promised them land, but since they lost Britain had to pass the act to ensure the peace. This also lead to the revolutionary war, because the colonists wanted to gain more space but Britain was stopping them from their gains. This angered the colonists bringing fights to come.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    The sugar act was placed on the colonies to lower the tax that had been placed on molasses. Instead of just lowering molasses, it also raised the cost of tax on items such as wine, indigo, coffee, and sugar. Meanwhile the sugar act also took away the colonists right to a jury trial. This had angered the colonists and they started to boycott any British goods, because they had become fed up with the king. This also helped add to the rebellion that was already forming for war.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The stamp act was passed by British Parliament as a way to reduce the cost of the military. The stamps were placed on items such as legal documents, permits, contracts, and even playing cards. This act really angered the colonists, because the Sons and Daughters of Liberty started to tar and feather the tax collectors. This act, even though it was repealed still worried the colonists on Britain's plan for the colonies,and it added more ammunition to the fire of the Revolutionary War.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    It was a law passed by Britain that said the colonists will take in the British soldiers and house them. Colonists were required to feed the soldiers and were also required to give them what they asked for. Not obeying this law could lead to punishment and fines. This sparked anger and rebellion within the colonies, and the Sons and Daughters of Liberty were on the road to war. This act fueled the beginning of war.
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    The Townshend act had four minor acts that came with it, the first being the Suspending Act. This act meant stopped business within the colonies until they agreed with Britain. The second was Townshend duties which was added revenue to basic roles. The third and fourth were establishments strict military and restriction on tea. These acts kept pushing the colonies towards war and eventually the colonists would fight back.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was an event that should never have happened. One child had angered a British soldier and in return he beat the boy. Later the kid brought his friends and started to assault the soldier which led to more soldiers coming to stop. Eventually more colonists came, and shots were fired. Five people had died that night, which was also the night America started to begin. The colonists were fed up and started to plan for a new country filled with peace and no ruling monarchy.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    It was the night of December 16th, 1173, and British ships had been forced to stay away from docking their ship in the Boston Harbor because the colonies had refused the tea. The colonists were mad because of the taxes Britain had been imposing on them. So that night they threw all the tea on the ships into the harbor. This was an attempt for the colonists to finally get back at Britain and also help them start to separate as their own country.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    The intolerable Acts included three smaller acts, the quartering act, Massachusetts Government Act, and the Boston Port Act. The law had been passed to try and gain order with the colonies, because of events and protests such as the Boston Tea Party. It was basically meant to punish the colonists, but instead it made the colonists even more intense and angry. Not even a year later, the colonists would be at war with the British because of these acts.
  • Boston Port Act

    Boston Port Act
    The Port of Boston had been closed due to this act. British Parliament was furious after the Boston Tea Party. So in return they closed the port so no imports and exports could go in or out, and the colonists would grow hungry. This helped parliament gain back some of the debt they owed to the tea that was destroyed. This event intensified the anger the colonists were feeling, adding more protests and rebellions. This would lead up to the revolutionary war.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    The battle of Lexington and Concord was the start to a new country for the colonists. This battle was the very beginning of the Revolutionary War, and at the end of the battle the Americans had won, but Britain was forced to retreat, because they had not expected the colonists to have that much power. This battle had showed the British that the colonists would not back down and be blown over again.