Revolution/Republic timeline

  • Battle of the Alamo Begins

    Santa Ana surprised those who were in San Antonio by showing up with his army trapping those who were left in the Alamo
  • Convention of 1836

    While the Alamo was being attacked, a group of 59 men met at Independence Hall in Washington on the Brazos to declare independence from Mexico and decide what the plan for Texas was in the future.
  • Fall of the Alamo

    The Texans fighting at the Alamo were finally overcome by the Mexican force and the battle was lost.
  • Slaughter at Goliad

    Following order from Santa Ana, the Mexican army that had captured Texan Soldiers were ordered to execute all of their enemies
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    The last major battle of the Texas Revolution, the Texas forces launched a surprise attack on the Mexican army leading to a victory for the Texan soldiers.
  • Treaty of Velasco

    The treaty of Velasco was signed stating that Santa Ana would never fight the new Republic of Texas and that he and his forces would have to retreat out of the new republic.
  • 1st Congress of the Republic of Texas

    The 1st congress of the Republic of Texas meets at Columbia
  • First President

    Sam Houston becomes the president of the Republic of Texas
  • United States

    The United States finally recognized Texas' independence from Mexico
  • Killough Massacre

    A band of Cherokee Indians killed 18 family members, making this the largest Native American attack on white settlers in Texas
  • Mirabeau B. Lamar President

    Mirabeau B. Lamar becomes the second president of Texas
  • Period: to

    Battle of the Neches

    The Texian army begins battle against the Cherokee along the Neches river under general Kelsey Douglas. The Texian army wins the battle on the second day killing both Cherokee chiefs.
  • France

    France recognizes Texas's independence from Mexico
  • Council House Fight

    The Comanche and officials of the republic of Texas met during a peace conference in San Antonio it went wrong and the Soldiers that accompanying them opened fire on the Comanche killing most and taking the rest as prisoners
  • Period: to

    Antonio Canales Rossillo

    A group of Mexican soldier led my Antonio Rossillo invades south Texas but is repulsed
  • Texas Archive War

    The people of Austin open fire on Texas officials as they are trying to move documents from Austin to Houston
  • Naval Battle of Campache

    the Texas Navy of the Republic engaged a group of Mexican naval ships
  • Texas Prisoners Released

    Santa Ana orders that all Texas prisoners be release from Mexico
  • Anson Jones

    Anson Jones becomes President of the Republic of Texas
  • Annexation Bill

    The United States Congress passed a bill that would allow them to annex The Republic of Texas
  • John Tyler

    The president of the Untied States, John Tyler, signs the authorization bill to annex the Republic of Texas
  • Texas State Constitution

    A majority of the voters in Texas voted to approve the Texas State Constitution
  • Texas Joins the United States

    Texas is Finally annexed into the United States of America
  • Sam Houston President

    Sam Houston becomes president of the republic again