revolution of latin american

  • The revolution successful

    The revolution liberated 90 percent of the population, which had been living under a brutal system of slavery. Hati’s was the first, and the only, successful slave revolt in the history of the world. Moreover, the hatian revolution would lead to the doubling of the size of the United States.
  • revolution began

    The revolution began in by the late 1700s, colonists in the latin. The hatian revolution as often been described as the largest and most successful slave rebellion in the Western Hemisphere. Slaves initiated the rebellion in 1791 and by 1803 they had succeeded in ending not just slavery but French control over the colony Together they numbered 40,000 of the colony's residents.
  • how the revolution really began

    In April 1775 British soldiers, called lobsterbacks because of their red coats, and minutemen the colonists' militia exchanged gunfire at Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts. Described as "the shot heard round the world," it signaled the start of the American revolution and led to the creation of a new nation.
  • was it successful ?

    The French revolution was also successful in its struggle to achieve rights and freedom for the common populace of France. The absolute power of the French monarchy was beginning to collapse as the lower class attained more rights and privileges that allowed them to control their destiny in the government.
  • name of the leaders

    Martin luther king
    George washington
    Mao zedong
  • the Encomienda System

    The encomienda system granted a Spanish leader a number of Native American laborers. The Spanish colonists abused the encomienda system essentially rendering it a system of slave labor.
  • Start date:

    was from august 14, 1791 - January 1, 1804