Revolution of 1956

By elegy
  • party membership of Nagy Imre was restored

  • MEFESZ was established

    Magyar Egyetemisták és Főiskolások Szövetsége,the group of College Students
  • The beginning of the revolution

    Large-scale protests broke out in budapest,lots of people joined in.From protest to uprising.
  • chain fire in front of the Parliament

    Soviet troops opened fire on protesters in front of parliament, worsening the situation
  • Mosonmagyaróvár

    the revolutionaries tried to take the military camp in Mosonmagyaróvár,but they failed
  • ceasefire with the Soviets

    Also The revolution was called the National Democratic Movement by Nagy Imre
  • end of the one party system

    former political parties were reesatblished
  • Hungary became neutral

  • soviet attack

    Soviet troops entered Hungary and suppressed the revolution, resulting in numerous casualties and arrests.
  • the failure of hungarian revolution

    The Soviet-backed János Kádar was appointed Prime Minister of Hungary, which also meant the failure of the Hungarian revolution.