Révolution industrielle

By Ludich
  • Steam Train

    Steam Train
    The first steam train was designed by the English George Stephenson, he lived between 1781 and 1848. He created the first passenger locomotive called a "rocket" which moved with a steam engine. Its objective was to transport travelers quickly between two cities or other places..
  • photography

    It is the French Jacques Louis Daguerre who lived between 1787 and 1851 who presented the first principle of photography in front of an official meeting at the Institut de France in 1839, the principle of photography is printed on an image in a real situation.
  • combustion engine

    combustion engine
    The explosion engine was created by Etienne lenoir in 1859, he was born in 1822 and died in 1900 and was Belgian. The objectif of the combustion engine is to create a small explosion which will move pistons then the vehicle move. it was powered by lighting gas but was replaced by fuels like diesel, gasoline...
  • The phone

    The phone
    The principle of the telephone was created by Antonio Meucci who was Italian and American and lived between 1808 and 1889. Its objective is to communicate at a distance and the information is communicated through electric current. He replaced the telegraph.
  • The electric light bulb

    The electric light bulb
    The electric bulb was invented by Joseph Swann who lived between 1828 and 1914 and he was English, the principle of this lamp was to illuminate with electricity via a filament made of carbon