Mohammed Bouazizi
NewsMohammed Bouazizi, a young 26-year old man educated however unemployed, was mistreated by the police and was told he was not allowed to sell fruits on the cart to support his poor family. therefore he set himself on Fire in front of a local office.
This is an important event to mention because it is the main reason poeple started to protest -
Uprising Revolution
the police were afraid to announce the death of Mohammed, because they thought that it would cause the freinds of mohammed to cause an even bigger deal which would lead to protests around the city.
The protests began to spread after his death was announced, and it started to become country-wide. This is also an important event to mention because it is the things that happened after the poeple found out thier freind Mohamad died, -
Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali
News 2 on this day, President Ben Ali appears on Tv and makes a few concessions
his announcments;
1. he would lower the prices of the food
2. lower restrictions on the internet and web around tunis
3. he felt guilty about the people that passed away in the protests
After the concessions of Ben Ali, the poeple started to react to what he said again.
4. that this would be his last term as president in Tunisia -
Ben Ali's announcement and Flee
As the protests begin to spread and grow more violent, Ben Ali declares a state of emergency and announces that new elections will be going on within the next 6 months. After that, Ben Ali and his family flee tunasia.
This shows us that Ben Ali is willing to leave and does not want to be president of Tunisia. -
Mohamed ghannouchi steps in
On the 17th, the prime minister and the interim president (Fouad Mebazaa) announce that there wll be a new goverment however it will still include the people that were there in Ben Ali's regime. This caused more protests. -
the central committee Democratic Constitutional Rally (RCD), the ruling party under Ben Ali, is gone and done, and members of the interim government leave the party.
Now they are going to have to look for a solution of atleast a constituional temporary party to be in place of the dissolved government. -
On the 26th, after many complaints that Ben Ali had stolen a couple of billion dollars through a variety acts of corruption, He is arrested, and sentenced to jail for 35 years.
this is event is important to mention beacuse it tells us what is going to happen with Ben Ali and what the court says about his case (to be sentenced to jail). -
Mohamed Ghannouchi steps down
on february 27th, Mohamed steps down from bieng prime minister, and is replaced by Beji Caid Sebsi. -
Elections are held to determine if the number of Constituent Assembly, would appoint an interim cabinet and draft a new constitution. 70 percent of voters were with the moderate Islamist Nahḍah Party emerges as the clear victor, winning 90 seats with more than 40 percent of the vote. -
Temporary Consitution
The assembly adopts an acting constitution, so that in can stay in effect until a new goverment or new elections would be held for a new system to rule over Tunisia.
This is temporary until Tunisia recieves a new president. -
On this day, finally a new president is elected to serve Tunisia, Moncef Markouzi. He is a human rights activist and opposition leader under the Ben Ali regime.
Now we know that Tunisia's revolution was succesful, and that they managed to get a new president to take care of Tunisia.