Revolution in Russia

  • Czar Nicholas II

    Czar Nicholas II promises reforms to aid the troubled country, but does not deliver
  • World War I

    the militery crisis unifies the country and provides a distraction from poor living conditions
  • Czar Nicholas II

    the czar takes control of the army despite having little militery training and leaves his wife behind to rule the country
  • Revolution

    unnhappy citizens take the capitol of Petrograd and Nicholas is forced to abdicate, or step down, as czar
  • Russian Army

    The Russian Army launches one last attack against the Central Powers. The millitary is crushed, opening a weakness for Vladimir Lenin
  • Red Guard

    The Red Guard attacks the Provisional Government and takes the country in a near bloodless struggle
  • The Red Guard

    after three years of fighting a civil war between the Bolshevik's Red Army and the White Army. The Red Army is victorious
  • Lenin

    Lenin creates the New Economic Policy
  • U.S.S.R.

    The U.S.S.R. is created
  • Lenin

    Lenin dies of a stroke