revolution history timeline 4ESO

  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    British repression against the colonists.
  • Period: to

    The American Revolution

    Ideological and political revolution based on the principles of the American Enlightenment.
  • First Continental Congress in Philadelphia

    First Continental Congress in Philadelphia
    Colonists expelled the British and prepared to war
  • War of the American Independence

    War of the American Independence
    Military conflict between the American and the British forces
  • Period: to

    Atlantic Revolutions

    Numerous revolutions in the Atlantic World that brought critical ideas of absolutist monarchies that began to spread.
  • Declaration of the American Independence and Virginia Declaration of Rights

    Declaration of the American Independence and Virginia Declaration of Rights
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Acknowledgement of the American Independence
  • Financial Reforms in France

    Louis XVI needed money, his intention was to collect higher taxes but this proposal was rejected by the Assembly of Notables (Nobility+Clergy)
  • Constitution of the US

    Constitution of the US
    First written Constitution that was entirely liberal and promoted suffrage, separation of powers, republican system, presidential rule and federal structure of the State.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Charles V

    Charles IV of Spain, was the King of Spain from 1788 until his abdication in 1808. Charles IV is often described as a weak and indecisive ruler, who relied heavily on his wife, Queen Maria Luisa, and his favorite advisor, Manuel de Godoy. During his reign, Spain faced numerous challenges, including economic downturns, political instability, and conflicts with foreign powers. His reign is also marked by the the French Revolution, which had a big impact on Spain.
  • George Washington: first president of the US

    George Washington: first president of the US
  • Period: to

    Outbreak of the French Revolution

  • Period: to

    National Constituent Assembly

  • Estates-General

    Louis XVI summoned the Parliament with the intention of collecting more taxes.
  • National Assembly+Tennis Court Oath

    National Assembly+Tennis Court Oath
    The Third Estate and some members of the Clergy and Nobility met in a Tennis Court and promised not to separate until there was a constitution
  • Storm of Bastille

    Storm of Bastille
    Violent attack on the government by the people of France.
  • Abolition of Feudalism

    Abolition of Feudalism
    The National Assembly abolished the feudal system and the seigneurial rights of the Second Estate.
  • Constitution of 1791

    Constitution of 1791
    Its main principles were constitutional monarchy, census suffrage, separation of the three powers and shared sovereignity between the king and the parliament
  • US Bill of Rights

    US Bill of Rights
    Protected citizens' rights
  • Period: to

    Legislative Assembly

    The Royal Family fled to Austria. Louis XVI was pressured to accept the Constitution but secretly supported the First Coalition. People wanted the king's abdication an a war against France started.
  • Period: to

    First French Republic

    This period was characterised by the downfall and abolition of the French monarchy. Its motto was: "Liberté, égalité, fraternité"
  • Period: to

    The National Convention

    First French government as a republic.
  • Period: to

    Girondin Convention

    They held power at a critical time and were responsible for provoking the wars with France's enemies. The eventual failure of these wars led not only to the king's execution but also to the downfall of the party and the introduction of the Reign of Terror. (
    They made moderate reforms and belonged to the burgeoisie.
  • First Coalition

    First Coalition
    Great effort of the main European Monarchies (Austria, Prussia, Spain and the UK) to contain the revolutionaries (Jacobins and Girondins)
  • Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette are beheaded

    Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette are beheaded
    The king and the queen are tried, convicted of treason and guillotined at the Place de la Révolution. Louis XVI was beheaded on January the 21st and his wife Marie Antoinette, on October the 16th.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    Public executions, extreme violence and mass killings from September 1793 to October 1794. The Terror was organized by the twelve-man Committee of Public Safety, which exercised almost dictatorial control over France.
  • Period: to

    Jacobin Convention

    This political club emerged as the most influential force. Its rise to power coincided with the Reign of Terror, a time marked by the execution of over 10,000 people, with many facing trial and punishment for their political activities.
    They made deeper reforms and belonged to the lower burgeoisie.
  • Constitution of 1793

    Constitution of 1793
    It was the second constitution ratified for use during the French Revolution under the First Republic. It promoted National Sovereignty and Male Universal Suffrage.
  • White Terror

    White Terror
    Wave of violent attacks and persecution of previous leaders.
  • Period: to

    The Directory

    Formed by 5 directors who were elected by the Council of Ancients. They were moderate and conservative.
    The Directory faced many problems: famine, civil war, internal corruption and war with neighbouring countries.
  • Constitution of 1995

    Constitution of 1995
  • First Consul

    First Consul
    Napoleon proclaimed himself First Consul.
  • Period: to

    The Consulate

    This new government was formed by three people: Napoleon Bonaparte, Sièyes and Ducos.
    Some of the reforms they made:
    1. Imposed the Napoleonic Code
    2. Careers opened to talents
    3. Stabilisation of the situation
    4. Administrative centralisation
    Other important events:
    1. War against the Second Coalition
    2.Concordat with Pope Pius
  • Coup d'état 18 Brumaire 1799

    Coup d'état 18 Brumaire 1799
    The French Consulate replaced the Directory through a bloodless coup d'état.
  • Concordat with Pope Pius VII

    Concordat with Pope Pius VII
    An agreement was signed between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII. This agreement, which was effective until 1905, aimed to bring national reconciliation between revolutionaries and Catholics. Additionally, it firmly established the Roman Catholic Church as the predominant church of France, ensuring the restoration of its civil status.
  • First Consul for Life

    First Consul for Life
    After being First Consul, Napoleon proclaimed himself First Consul for Life.
  • Napoleon, Emperor of France

    Napoleon, Emperor of France
    Napoleon proclaimed himself Emperor of France by a plebiscite
  • Period: to

    Napoleonic Empire- First French Empire

  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    Naval engagement where the British Royal Navy defeated the Spanish and French Navies
  • Economic Blockade against the UK

    Economic Blockade against the UK
    After the British had defeated the French Navy, Napoleon tried to stop British exports to Europe. Portugal didn't supported the Continental System and Napoleon will punish them. Great Britain was able to block the French shipping.
  • Treaty of Fontainebleau

    Treaty of Fontainebleau
    Treaty between Spain and France. It stated that Spain would collaborate in Portugal's invasion, in return, France would give a part of Portugal to Spain.
  • Mutiny of Aranjuez

    Mutiny of Aranjuez
    Godoy sent the Royal Family to Aranjuez with the intention of boarding them to America. The inhabitants realised that the monarchs were trying to escape and they revolted.
  • Abdications of Bayonne

    Abdications of Bayonne
    The Abdications of Bayonne involved the forced abdications of Charles IV and his son, Ferdinand VII, as kings of Spain. The Spanish thrown was given to Napoleon Bonaparte, who then gave it to his brother, Joseph. The rest of the Royal Family also renounced to their rights in exchange of an economic compensation. There was a new dinasty in Spain: the Bonaparte.
  • Uprising of Madrid

    Uprising of Madrid
    It was a popular revolt that took place in Plaza de Oriente against the occupation of the city of Madrid by the French troops. It was violently repressed by French forces and the Mamelukes. There were more than 1200 executed people. They supported Ferdinand.
  • Independency of Paraguay

    Independency of Paraguay
  • Period: to

    Independencies of Latin America

    Independencies of some countries of Latin America due to the militar repression, economic crisis, criollismo and independency os US as a model.
  • Great mistakes of Napoleon

    Great mistakes of Napoleon
    1. Popular opposition in Spain, UK and Portugal
    2. Napoleon's invasion of Russia -> Prussia, Austria and Russia reacted together.
  • Quadruple Alliance

    Quadruple Alliance
    Agreement between Austria, Russia, Prussia and the UK for the purpose of defeating Napoleon Bonaparte. It was the first step for the creation of the Congress of Vienna.
  • Battle of Leipzig

    Battle of Leipzig
    It was fought between a coalition of European nations (Prussia, Austria, Russia, and Sweden) against the French Empire. The coalition forces won the battle, leading to the collapse of Napoleon's control over Germany. This battle marked the beginning of Napoleon's decline and the eventual downfall of his empire.
  • Napoleon's First exile

    Napoleon's First exile
    Napoleon was exiled to the island of Elba in 1814 after his abdication as Emperor of France. Napoleon lived on Elba for a year, where he implemented several reforms and infrastructure projects. However, he regained power, returned to France, re-joined his army and supported the "Empire of the Hundred Days"
  • Period: to

    Reign of Ferdinand VII

    Fardinand VII is on the Spanish Crown and it is subdivided in three stages: Absolutist Sexennium, Liberal Triennium and Omnious Decade. He dies in 1833 without a male heir.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    The Congress of Vienna took place in 1815 in Vienna, Austria. It restored stability and order in Europe after the Napoleonic Wars. The main powers of Europe managed to negotiate and establish a new balance of power. They created a system of alliances and boundaries to prevent future conflicts and expansion of France. The Congress of Vienna brought peace to Europe for some decades.
  • Period: to

    Holy Alliance

    Agreement between the rulers of Russia, Austria, Prussia and France to rule in a spirit of Christian charity and to assist in bad times.
  • Period: to

    German Unification

  • Period: to

    Empire of the Hundred Days

    After his first exile in Elba, he re-joined his armies.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    Napoleon Bonaparte led the French army against the forces of the Third Coalition, consisting of the troops of the UK, Netherlands and Prussia. The arrival of the Prussian army in favor of the Third Coalition, resulted in the victory of the Coalition and the fall of Napoleon's reign.
  • Napoleon's final exile

    Napoleon's final exile
    Napoleon's final exile took place on the island of St Helena. He was sent there after his defeat in the Battle of Waterloo. Saint Helena's island is located in the South Atlantic Ocean that made Napoleon unable to escape or exert any influence. He spent his last years on the island, writing memoirs, reflecting on his past, and suffering from declining health. Napoleon died there.
  • Independency of Argentina

    Independency of Argentina
  • Quintuple Alliance

    Quintuple Alliance
    Agreement between France, Austria, Russia, Prussia and Great Britain to mantain balance in Europe and remain France a great power.
  • Independency of Chile

    Independency of Chile
  • Independency of Colombia

    Independency of Colombia
  • Revolutions of 1820

    Revolutions of 1820
    It was a revolution that took place during the wave of revolutions in Greece to become independent from the Ottoman Empire and Spain, Portugal and Italy to have constitutional monarchies.
  • Coup d'etat by Rafael de Riego

    Coup d'etat by Rafael de Riego
    It took place in Cadiz and would make that the absolutist Government turned into a liberal one
  • Period: to

    The wave of the revolutions

    A series of revolutions in the years 1820, 1830 and 1848.
  • Independency of Mexico

    Independency of Mexico
  • Independency of Venezuela

    Independency of Venezuela
  • Independency of Ecuador

    Independency of Ecuador
  • Hundred Thousand Sons of St. Louis

    Hundred Thousand Sons of St. Louis
    Ferdinand VII request the intervention of the Holly Alliance that would put an end to the Liberal Triennium and started the Ominous Decade.
    Picture: Episode of the French intervention in Spain by Hippolyte Lecomte:,_15_juillet_1823.jpg?uselang=en#Licensing
  • Risorgimento

    Nationalist movement in Italy with the purpose of unify and liberate.
  • Revolutions of 1830

    Revolutions of 1830
    It was a revolution that started in France due to the new dynasty: the House of Orleans. In Spain there the attemp of trying to introduce a liberal regime failed. Moreover, Greece and Belgium became independent.
  • Young Italy

    Young Italy
    Movement created by Giuseppe Mazzini to work for a united, republican Italian nation.It played an important role in Risorgimiento. He spread nationalist ideas and led rebellion between 1848-1849.
  • First Carlist War

    First Carlist War
    The first of three Civil Wars between Isabelinos (liberals) and Carlistas (absolutists) that strarted in 1833 and ended in 1840 with the peace "Abrazo".
    Carlist War photo and information-
  • Period: to


    Regency of Maria Cristina (+statute and Constitution) from 1833 to 1840 and regency of General Espartero from 1840 to 1843.
  • Zollverien

    German free trade. Custom Union. Austria is put aside.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Isabel II

    During her reign there were three stages (Moderate Decade, Progressive Biennium and Liberal Union/Final crisis). She created several constitutions, there were disentailments, the Liberal Union was created and there was limited male suffrage.
  • Second Carlist War

    Second Carlist War
    Second of the three Civil Wars between Isabelinos and Carlistas. Lasted from 1846 to 1849.
  • Period: to

    Italian unification

  • Revolutions of 1848

    Revolutions of 1848
    There were a series of simultaneous revolutions except in GB, including social and democratic demands. They narly always failed. However, governments introduced reforms. The process of unification of Germany and Italy started.
  • Rebellion led by Giuseppe Mazzini

    Rebellion led by Giuseppe Mazzini
    He spread nationalist ideas and led a rebellion between 1848 and 1849
    Picture: Giuseppe Mazziny by duncan1890
  • Period: to

    Italian Unification

  • Pronunciamiento La Vicalvarada

    Pronunciamiento La Vicalvarada
    This started by a troop leaded by O'Donell. This event put an end to the Moderate Decade and started the Progressive Biennium.
  • Kingdom of Italy

    Kingdom of Italy
    The Kingdom of Italy is created with a liberal parliamentary monarchy. Victor Emmanuel II and Giuseppe Garibaldi become allies.
  • Pact of Ostend

    Pact of Ostend
    It was signed between the progressist and the democrat parties leaded by Juan Prim to remove Isabel's II monarchy. Later, the liberal union tokk a part on it and it was the begginig of La Gloriosa.
  • Autonomy in Cuba

    Autonomy in Cuba
    War in Cuba and movements towards autonomy between 1868 and 1878
  • Period: to

    Glorious Revolution

    It was an uprising that took place in Spain due to the excessive governments conservatism and authoritarianism and an economic crisis.
  • Period: to

    Provisional Government

    Government with Serrano as Head of the State.
  • Pronunciamiento La Gloriosa

    Pronunciamiento La Gloriosa
    It was an upruising that took place in Cadiz and was led by Juan Prim and Francisco Serrano. It provoked Isabella's II exile.
  • Kingdom of Italy is confirmed

    Kingdom of Italy is confirmed
    Rome becomes the capital. The Pope is imprisoned in the Vatican. Italy becomes a liberal parliamentary monarchy and the process is fulfilled.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Amadeo I

    Appointed by the Parliament. His Prime Minister, Prim was assasinated. The situation was too much for him so he abdicated. This led to the First Republic.
  • Third Carlist War

    Third Carlist War
    The third of these Civil wars. It lasted from 1872 to 1876.
    Drawing "Battle of Treviño", by Francisco Oller:
  • Period: to

    First Republic

    After Amadeo's I reign and his abdication, there is a republic. However, it only lasts for 2 years and it was affected by the dictatorship of Serrano, the independence of Cuba, the Third Carlist War and some other inner problems.