The French Revelouton - Clark

  • Third Stage of the Revolution

    Who- Robespierre, People in the Government
    When- 1789
    -Moderates produuce another constutution in 1795 for two house lesglatures elected by male citizens of property
    -Constution fo 1795 set up a Five man
    The "Third Stage of the Revolution" was also called/known as "Return to Reason"
  • Threats from Aborad

    Europeans rulers forced the "French Plage"
    -Emigne'sspread of the power shaft
    -After laws forced escape Austrillia becomes wanted out of Maine
    *They force perperation for war
  • Period: to

    Revolt/National Assembly

    -The national Assembly was helf from 1789-1791
    -At the national Assembly nobles voted to end there own privileges
    -Nobles agreed to give up their own memorial dues, exclusice hunting rights, special legal status, last exemptions for taxes
    -"Great Four"
    -Equality for all male citizens
    -D.O.T.R.O.M (Deceleration of the Rights of Man)
  • Civil War (Radicals Take Over)

    -Legistaure Assembly takes power
    -Son-Conullotes( lower Class)
    -April 1792-War-French Relolution to Englisjh
    -Fighing 1792-1815
  • Monachy is Abolished

    Monachy is Abolished
    Who- Prussian Forces & French Recuits
    What- A crowd fo prussians stormed the roayal palace of the tvileries $ slaughtered the kings guards
    When- The Royal Palace
    Why- Becuase the people thought the king was a trader
    - Terror- prompts/serves/inflormation
    -robespierre ruled France
    -Robobesierre was killed
  • Period: to

    Robespierre and the Reign of Terror

    Who- France, Europe, Britian, Netherlands, Spain, Prussia
    When- the Reigh of Terror was form 1793 to the midsummer of 1794
    -Terror- Problems/Serves/Inflormation
    -Robespierre ruled France
    -Robespierre was killed
    -The Guillotine was in this Reign of Terror, it was introduced in 1793 and was banned in 1794
  • Spread of Nationalism

    -Nationalism lead to the first out of two World War
    -Loality to Contry lead to Government railed sons to defend their Nation
    -Reveloution pushed for soal reform & religous to leration