
  • french revolution

    french revolution
    The French Revolution was a social and political conflict, with various periods of violence, that convulsed France and, by extension of its implications, other nations in Europe as supporters and opponents of the system known as the Ancien Régime clashed.
  • spanish revolution

    spanish revolution
    The liberal revolution that took place in Spain in 1820 after a rather turbulent decade was the beginning of the Revolutions of 1820.
  • revolution in Naples

    revolution in Naples
    In July 1820, a revolt broke out in the city of Naples. The uprising had been prepared by the Carbonari, an Italian nationalist and liberal group led by Guglielmo Pepe, whose aim was the unification of the Italian peninsula.
  • Period: to

    first period of revolution

  • revolution in greece

    revolution in greece
    Independence groups were growing in Greece until, on 25 March 1821, in the monastery of Agia Lavra in the northern Peloponnese, the Archbishop of Patras Germanos called for a holy war against the Ottoman Empire.
  • Swiss Revolution

    Swiss Revolution
    The July Revolution of 1830 in France, which ended the reign of the absolutist King Charles X, triggered the regeneration movement in Switzerland. Many of the conservative cantons established representative government and institutionalised freedom of the press and free trade.
  • Period: to

    second period of revolution

  • french revolution

    french revolution
    The Revolution of 1830 was a revolutionary process that began in Paris, France, with the so-called July Revolution or the Three Glorious Revolutionary Days of Paris that brought Louis-Philippe I of France to the throne and opened the period known as the July Monarchy.
  • Belgian revolution

    Belgian revolution
    The Belgian Revolution of 1830 saw the predominantly Catholic inhabitants of the southern provinces of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands rise up against the superiority of the mainly Protestant northern provinces. Within a few weeks in August and September the rebellion achieved the secession of Flanders and Wallonia and the formation of Belgium.
  • Revolution Poland

    Revolution Poland
    A nationalist revolt against Russian oppression took place in Poland. The subsequent tsarist repression imposed the absolutism of Alexander I, ended the limited autonomy of the Poles and persecuted their culture, language and religion.
  • german revolution

    german revolution
    The Revolution of 1848 had a twofold character in Germany. The German Constituent Parliament met in Frankfurt, which lasted from May 1848 to March 1849 and was chaired by Henrich Von Gagern. The aim of this assembly was the adoption of a German constitution and the appointment of a common government.
  • the austrian revolution

    the austrian revolution
    The 1848 revolution in the Habsburg states was a series of revolutionary movements that took place in the Habsburg states (the Austrian Empire and its dependent territories in Central Europe).
  • Period: to

    third period of revolutions