Romanov dynasty begin rule
Nicholas II becomes tsar
'Bloody Sunday'
Massacre leads to revolutionary upheavals. -
The Fundamental Laws reaffirm the autocracy
A programme of agrarian reform is attempted
until 1911 -
Four State Dumas meet but their influence is controlled
until 1915 -
Lena Gold Fields Massacre
renewed industrial unrest -
The Romanov tercentenary
The Tsar and his family left their Winter Palace in St Petersburg to drive through the streets in open carriages for the first time since the troubles o 1905. -
First World War begins
Strikes in Petrograd
Formation of the Petrograd Soviet and Provisional Government
Return of Lenin, and April Theses
Attempted coup by Kornilvov
Decrees on Peace and Land
Establishment of Sovnarkom
Abdication of Tsar Nicholas II
'July Days' riots
Bolsheviks seizure of power
The Constituent Assembly
Start of Civil War
First Soviet constitution
Comintern establishment
Russo-Polish war
Launch of New Economic Policy
Kronstadt revolt
Tenth Party conference
Widespread famine
Stalin elected General Secretary
Treaty of Rapallo
'Testament' dictated by Lenin
Ban on factions
a small organized dissenting group within a larger one, especially in politics -
St Petersbury Soviet is formed
The Tsar's October Manifesto authorises elections to a state duma -
Loss of confidence in the Tsarist regime
In all areas of society people disliked the tsarist rule. There was demonstartions and outbursts