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Revolution and Dictatorship: Russia 1917 - 1953

  • Romanov dynasty begin rule

  • Nicholas II becomes tsar

  • 'Bloody Sunday'

    Massacre leads to revolutionary upheavals.
  • The Fundamental Laws reaffirm the autocracy

  • A programme of agrarian reform is attempted

    until 1911
  • Four State Dumas meet but their influence is controlled

    until 1915
  • Lena Gold Fields Massacre

    renewed industrial unrest
  • The Romanov tercentenary

    The Tsar and his family left their Winter Palace in St Petersburg to drive through the streets in open carriages for the first time since the troubles o 1905.
  • First World War begins

  • Strikes in Petrograd

  • Formation of the Petrograd Soviet and Provisional Government

  • Return of Lenin, and April Theses

  • Attempted coup by Kornilvov

  • Decrees on Peace and Land

  • Establishment of Sovnarkom

  • Abdication of Tsar Nicholas II

  • 'July Days' riots

  • Bolsheviks seizure of power

  • The Constituent Assembly

  • Start of Civil War

  • First Soviet constitution

  • Comintern establishment

  • Russo-Polish war

  • Launch of New Economic Policy

  • Kronstadt revolt

  • Tenth Party conference

  • Widespread famine

  • Stalin elected General Secretary

  • Treaty of Rapallo

  • 'Testament' dictated by Lenin

  • Ban on factions

    a small organized dissenting group within a larger one, especially in politics
  • St Petersbury Soviet is formed

    The Tsar's October Manifesto authorises elections to a state duma
  • Loss of confidence in the Tsarist regime

    In all areas of society people disliked the tsarist rule. There was demonstartions and outbursts