
By cswasey
  • French and Indian War begins Fort Necessity

    French and Indian War begins Fort Necessity
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    French and Indian war/7 year war.

    It started in 1754 and it was over franc and Native American alis and Britain over the Ohio valley.
  • The Parliament of 1763-1763

    The Parliament of 1763-1763
    King George the 111 Made up the law that non colonists couldn't go across the Appalachians mountains to hunt of anything.
  • Sugar Act Passed

    Sugar Act Passed
    This act is passed on things on surge and goods.
  • Stamp Act is passed, and it is repealed in 1766

    Stamp Act is passed, and it is repealed in 1766
    The stamp act is that they put a taxes on newspapers,paper and even playing cards.
  • The townshend Act is passed

    The townshend Act is passed
    The townshend Act is the same year that the sugar act is passed, and it is on the townsmen that live there.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre is that these people wear throwing show and it one of the solders and it started a small war in the middle of the town of Boston.
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    2 Continental Congress.

    It Manged the Colonial War efforts and Moved incrementally Towards Independents.
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    Battle of Bunker Hill.

    It was a war agents Britten & the Colonist.
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    Vally Forge

    Was a Military Camp 18 miles North West in Philadelphia where the America Continental.
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    Battle of Saratoga

    It was a battle of Saratoga that the Americans have won in New York.
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    Battle of York Town

    It was a battle for A German and Siege battle surrenders.
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    Treaty of Pairs

    It was a War agents America and British.
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    Declaration Of Independence

    It was a paper that had words on it and Stated that Everyone was free and not under controlled by the King.