Revolts in germany

Revolts and Rebellions

By delfihp
  • Strikes break out

    Over 1 million people went on strike in Berlin and in 50 other cities.
  • Members of the Socialist party join the government

  • Ebert became the ruler

    Ebert became the ruler
    Republic declared in Berlin; Kaiser Wilhelm abdicates,Ebert becomes Chancellor over SPD-USPD coalition
  • Armistice signed with Allies. Spartacus league was formed

  • Strikes

    Strikes start in Saxony and the Ruhr
  • Right wing putsch

    Fails in Berlin
  • Spartacist Revolt

    Spartacist Revolt
    50.000 Spartacists rebelled in Berlin, led by Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Leibknecht
  • Troops attack workers' position

  • Ebert elected president of the Republic

  • Communist rebellion in Bavaria

    Communist rebellion in Bavaria
    The communists in Bavaria seized the opportunity to declare a Soviet republic in Barvaria. Then the Freikorps moved in to crush the revolt in May and around 600 communists were killed
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
  • NSDAP programme announced by Hitler

  • Red Army rebellion

    Red Army rebellion
    After the failure of the Kapp Putsch, a paramilitary group called the Red Army rebelled in Ruhr. There were around 2000 casualties
  • Kapp Putsch

    Kapp Putsch
    During 13 - 17 March 1920, the right-wing nationalist, Dr Wolfgang Kapp led a Freikorps takeover in Berlin.
    Ebert and ministers flee
  • 'March action' Called by KPD

  • Hitler becomes leader of Nazis

    Hitler becomes leader of Nazis
  • Black Reichswehr rebellion

    Black Reichswehr rebellion
    The Black Reichswehr was a nationalist group.
  • Communists took over the governments of Saxony and Thuringia

  • Communists took over the Rhineland

    Communists took over the Rhineland and declared it independent in the same month.
  • Munich Putsch

    Munich Putsch
    A newly-formed fascist group called the Nazis attempted a putsch in Munich in November. This event brought Hitler to national prominence after he was jailed for nine months for his part in the attempted coup.