The Molasses Act
This act imposed a tax on molasses, sugar, and rum imported from colonies that aren't British. It was aimed to help farmers in the British Indies. Many people evaded the tax, making it pretty useless. The British later replaced it with the Sugar Act, hoping to actually collect the tax. “Molasses Act.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., www.britannica.com/event/Molasses-Act. Accessed 25 Mar. 2025. -
Sugar Act
This act was meant to help the British recover from the 7 Years War. It made it so that for every pound of Sugar there was a tax of 3 Pence. The colonist heavily pressured the parliament to lower the tax. The British hoped that the taxes would actually be collected this time. “Sugar Act.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., www.britannica.com/event/Sugar-Act. Accessed 25 Mar. 2025. -
Quartering Act
This act made it so that any British Troops stationed in the colonies had to be given housing to live in if there was a surplus of troops compared to the barracks. The colonist gave heavy backlash, as paying for the troops wasn't cheap, there was many cases of people disregarding the rule and not paying. -
Stamp Act
This act made it so that any paper product had to be stamped. The problem that many colonists had was that they had to pay for the stamps. The colonist organized protests and would often send back ships full of stamps back to the isles. The British eventually repealed the act because of heavy backlash. -
Suspending Act
The Suspending Act was part of the Townshed Acts. The Suspending Act prevented the New York Assembly from doing business until it complied with the Quartering Act. The colonists did boycotts, made resistance groups, and made movements to make the colonies less reliant from the British. The British did not repeal any acts as the boycotts were too unsuccessful. “Townshend Acts.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., www.britannica.com/event/Townshend-Acts. Accessed 25 Mar. 2025.