
revalotion war

By 60165
  • Period: to

    events that lead to the war

  • March 1765: The stamp act

    March 1765: The stamp act
    Britain needed money for the debt from the war with France. so they taxed Americans imported items from Britain that had a stamp
  • june 1767 :tea act

    june 1767 :tea act
    Tax on tea that was exported from Britain to America. instead of having it on all products, it was only on tea and was at a higher price, and they can't get tea from other countries
  • march 1770: boston massacre

    march 1770: boston massacre
    200 colonists surrounding 7 soldiers. People started taunting them and the soldiers lost their cool. and started to shoot the Americans.
  • boston tea party

    boston tea party
    the americans dumped all of the tea into the ocean out of was a politcal protest at griffen whaft
  • coercive acts

    coercive acts
    there are 5 coercive acts
    The Intolerable Acts
    Boston Port Act.
    Administration of Justice Act.
    Massachusetts Government Act.
    Quartering Act.
    Quebec Act.