Retake Formativa 5.4 - Mariana

  • Discovery of Electricity

    It was discovered by Benjamin Franklin. In order to show that lightning was electricity, he flew a kite during a thunderstorm, and he also tied a metal key to the kite string to conduct the electricity.
  • Concepts of Real and Conventional Current

    Benjamin Franklin stated that electric current is due to the flow of electrons from the negative terminal to the positive terminal. While conventional current is due to the flow of positive charges or holes from the positive terminal to the negative terminal.
  • Coulomb Law

    Coulomb Law was made by Charles Augustin de Coulomb, and he stated that the force of attraction or repulsion acting along a straight line between two electric charges is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely to the square of the distance between them.
  • Electric Field Concepts

    The direction of the field is taken to be the direction of the force it would exert on a positive test charge, a statement done by Hans Christian Oersted when talking about the electric field concepts.
  • Magnetic Force in a Wire with Current

    The concept of Magnetic Force in a Wire with Current was done by Hans Christian Oersted. He stated that the force on a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field is F = IlB sin θ.
  • 1st and 2nd Ohm’s Laws

    The first Ohm's law states that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the voltage across the two points; and the second Ohm's law relates voltage, current and resistance in electrical systems as V=IR. These two laws were done by Georg Simon Ohm.
  • 1st and 2nd Kirschoff’s Laws

    Gustav Robert Kirchhoff created the 1st and Second Kirschoff's Law.
    Kirchhoff's first law of electrical circuit is based on conservation of charge and Kirchhoff's second law of electrical circuit is based on conservation of energy.
  • Magnetic Field

    A magnetic field is a vector field that describes the magnetic influence on moving electric charges, electric currents, and magnetic materials. A moving charge in a magnetic field experiences a force perpendicular to its own velocity and to the magnetic field. Concept done by Nikola Tesla.
  • Right and Left-Hand Rule

    The Right-hand Rule, illustrated at left, simply shows how a current-carrying wire generates a magnetic field; and the Left-hand Rule shows what happens when an electrical current enters a magnetic field. John Ambrose Fleming was the guy who created this simple tricks in order to help people that are learning related physics subjects.
  • Components of a Circuit

    Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce are the ones that gave name to the components of a circuit, which includes: Resistor, Transistors, Capacitors, Inductors, and Diodes.