Resource Management

  • 1000 BCE

    Medieval Europe

    Families were influenced by the church and feudalism.
  • 18th Century

    English writings showed that the term family included blood relatives and servants.
  • The modern family

    consisted of a breadwinner husband, a housewife, and their children. This could be the democratic family phase or compassionate family phase.
  • Ellen Richards Swallows

    Ellen organized conferences to discuss topics "for the betterment of the home. These gained large popularity and later led to the establishment of the American Home Economics Association (AHEA).
  • Early institution of marriage

    Marriage was defined as a man and woman living together and bear offspring. The man being the protector and supported and woman being a helpmate.
  • Home Economics

    covered topics such as human development, home management, and family economics. It was used to better serve the changing needs of roles of men and women.
  • Resource Management

    Family resource management was a response to the changed in family structure. Resource management focuses on family goals, decision making, and organization processes.
  • Family and Consumer Sciences new name

    the title home economics was found to be too restrictive and laden, The name change to Family and Consumer Sciences better framed the mission.
  • Family Today

    Traditional family or nuclear family implies a husband, wife, and children.
  • Changes in the Family

    the american family is becoming more diverse and family structures are e. evolving. How families look changes from every family.
  • Sources

    Cornell University. “What Was Home Conomics .” What Was Home Economics?, Moore, Asay. "Family Resource Management" Chapter 3; pg 39-43 Science History IT. " Ellen H. Swallow Richards".,new%20discipline%20of%20home%20economics.