Richard nixon  official bw photo  head and shoulders

Resignation of Nixon

  • Watergate Burglars Arrested

    Watergate Burglars Arrested
    Bob Woodward was assigned the job of doing a news report on a burglary. It turns out one of the suspects was former CIA agent James McCord.
  • Tape Recording Date

    Tape Recording Date
    Nixon told McCord to place the tape recorder and probe Watergate.
  • Nixon is Re-Elected

    Nixon is Re-Elected
    Nixon was re-elected into his second term of presidency.
  • Watergate Trial Starts

    Watergate Trial Starts
    Judge John J. Sirica started the trial. McCord agreed to comply only because Sirica prodded him.
  • Tape Recordins Are Found Out

    Tape Recordins Are Found Out
    Alexander Butterfield testified and said that Nixon told them to put tape recorders to be installed in the white house to help him write. This recordings would show what Nixon knew.
  • Vice President Retires

    Vice President Retires
    Spiro Agnew retired because it was found out that he had been taking bribes while in office.
  • Nixon Retires

    Nixon Retires
    After the Watergate Scandal Nixon retired because it was threatened that he would be impeached.