Period: to
World War ||
Japanese Bomb Pearl Harbor
Ground is broken for Republic Aviation plant and office
Ground is broken for Republic Aviation plant and office
Elder Brooks,an African American, is 1st local civilian death when hit by falling steel at Republic
P-47-D aircraft assembly line began operation;P-47-D model production will run for 32 months
Modification Center begins operation
Lt.Herbert Fields,a brave man, is first to fly his P--47 carring bomb,it worked just fine
1,000th Evansville P-47 is completed, named the ,"Tojo Special"
P-47s now flying with 2 1,000 pound bombs at he'd
Republic Aviation has a backlog of 275 P-47's stored on airport grass field areas
Republic Aviation wins 1st E-Award
P-47's chance to bubble canopy
Two P-47's bump wings and crash near Inglefield north of airport,no injuries
Modification builds two 2-seat P-47's for training use,nicknamed the "Doublebolt"
3,000th Evansville P-47 completed (this was the day it was announced)
Walter Cockroft,age 17,killed at Republic Aviation by walking into spinning propeller
Republic Aviation wins 2nd E-award
Modification Bulids water- cooled XP-47 with water cooled Chrysley Engine
Re-tooling underway to build engine cowings for B-29 Superfortresses
4,000th Evansville P-47 completed, empoyment is at 8,300 people
Famed south Pacific P-47 fighter "The Jackie" returns home to Evansville plant for 2 week display
Republic Aviation wins 3rd E-Award
Test point Wm Moose was killed as he killed as he crashed his p-47 into field 3 miles SW of New Harmony
Employment at the Evansville plant is at 250 people
The last P-47 is flown form Evanville plant,it was the 6,670 P-47