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Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources

  • Air

    Air is constantly renewing allowing us to breathe.
  • Methane

    It is a natural gas that is constantly renewing and is presented on the air we breathe.
  • Geothermal Energy

    It means capturing the heat trapped within the earth's surface and converting it to usable energy. It is constantly renewing inside the earth.
  • Sun

    The sun renews every 24 hours.
  • Alcohol

    Particularly ethanol is derived from the starch in corn kernels. The process of convertion takes from 40 to 50 hours.
  • Water

    Water is replaced on rivers every 16 days and on the atmosphere every 8 days. However, for huge amounts it varies and can take even hundreds to thousands of years.
  • Trees, Plants, and Lumber

    The have different life spans according to the harvest season and each plant.
    Some examples can be: Oaks, Elm tree, Palm tree, Violets, Roses, Sunflowers.
  • Food Crops

    It varies on the harvest seasoning and the amount of time needed for each plant to grow.
    Some examples can be: Aplees, Grapes, Potatoes, Bananas, Rice, Tomatoes.
  • Animals

    Time differs according to each animal's birth time.
    Some examples can be: Chickens, Frogs, Goats, Moose, Tuna, Pigs.
  • Nonrenewable Resouces

    It takes hundreds and even millions of years for these to renew. They are not replenished with the speed at which it is consumed.
    Some examples can be: Coal, Oil, Natural Gas, Nuclear Energy, Uranium.