Rene Descartes

  • Rene Descartes

    Rene Descartes was a French philosopher, mathematician and writer. He wrote books including Meditation on First Philosophy. He is best known for analytical geometry, whihc is the bridge between algebra and geometry. This discovery also to the adaptaion of calculus.
  • Link one

    Rene Decartes and geometry are connected because we use geometry in art. We use it for the different elements of art; perspective, space and shape,
  • link two

    Rene decartes and geometry are connected because geometry is also found in sports. In sports geometry is used in the shape in the field and making sure the lines intersect at the right angles. Its also used to make sure the lines are parallel .
  • Connection

    We are currentally in honors geometry taught by Mrs.Downer. Geometry is important today because it is the study of size, shape and position of 2d and 3d objects. We use geometry daily to get a spatial sense.