OLD Renaissance

By erennie
  • 476


    Western Fall of Rome
    In 476 C.E. Romulus, the last of the Roman emperors in the west, was overthrown by the Germanic leader Odoacer, who became the first Barbarian to rule in Rome.
    Decline of cities
    Germanic Tribes adopt Chrisitanity
    Monasteries preserve learning
  • Period: 789 to 1066

    viking invasions

  • Period: 796 to 368

    columbian exchange

    2000 languages
    hunting gathering fishing societies
    Aztec Incas Mayans
    50% of crops produced in the united states are native american rooted
  • 800


    charlemagne was crowned christmas day day, december 25 800 king of franks
  • Period: 1095 to 1291


    1rst- successful
    -Goal is to attack the muslims in the holy land and take it back
    -Pope Urban called serfs and peasants to go fight and promises them heaven them if we die
    - Seljuk turks(pastoral nomads) have converted to Islam and have tried to take over Constantinople. Byzantine empire asks for help.
    3rd- Richard Lion Heart
    4th-disaster raid constantinople and
    kids are sold into slavery
  • 1100

    1100- 1300

    high middle ages
    and end of crusades
  • 1200

    islam renaissance

    Muslim Learning and Univeristy
    cities grow
  • Period: 1347 to 1350


    black plague present around the fall of 1347.
    and hundered year war
  • 1453

    fall of byzantine empire

    Byzantine fall and Ottomans.
    End of 100 year war for France and England
  • 1492

    columbus sails for "india"

    columbus sails

    muslims are kicked out of spain
    aztec incas and mound builders are dying
  • Period: 1517 to

    protestant reformation

    Protestant Reformation
  • Period: 1524 to


    Religious Wars
    Each Prince gets to choose the religion of his land:
    Peace of Augsburg
    Types of Christianity:
    The Roman Catholics
    War caused Germany to lose 1/3 of its population