renaissances & reformation timeline

By LeSane
  • 1285

    Eye Glasses (inventions part 2)

    Eye Glasses (inventions part 2)
    The first-ever eyeglasses were invented by the Romans by filling up a glass pot full of water. But during the renaissance, the eyeglass was updated by using bone or wood a glass lens bent in a certain way and placed in a lens that would have to be held by hand up to the user's eyes.
  • 1300

    blast furnace (Inventions part 3)

    blast furnace (Inventions part 3)
    The blast furnace was invented by Henry Bessemer. The blast furnace is like any other furnace but much bigger and it could smelt much more metal this allowed people to make many more weapons or anything else made with metal.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to

    Social classes (Daily life part 1)

    Nobility is the highest class only about 2-3 percent of the population is in the class and these people held important political decisions. It was also believed that a person was born a noble not made into one. The next class is the townspeople witch made up about 7-13 percent of the population these people where your skilled workers such as blacksmiths. The lowest class was the peasants' which was 85-90 percent of the population and these people worked all day for little to nothing for payment.
  • 1320

    The Divine Comedy (Literary works part 2)

    The Divine Comedy (Literary works part 2)
    This was a fictional story about Dante who travels through the farthest reaches of hell, purgatory, and paradise. This epic story is still told today in western civilization almost half a millennium later.
  • Jan 1, 1386

    Donatello (art and artist part 4)

    Donatello (art and artist part 4)
    Donatello is a sculptor who studied many Greek statues and taking a lot of influence from them. He was the creator of the Saint George statue and an incredible free-standing piece of art.
  • 1392

    The Canterbury tales (Literary Works part 3)

    The Canterbury tales (Literary Works part 3)
    This was a collection of stories about 29 pilgrims going to the tomb of St.Thomas in Canterbury England. These stories allowed people from all walks of life such as peasants, monks, kings, merchants to all come together.
  • Jan 1, 1395

    Jan Van Eyck birth (renaissance art and artist 2)

    Jan Van Eyck birth (renaissance art and artist 2)
    Jan Van Eyck was one of the first oil painters and one of the first to perfect the oil painting technique. Because of his paintings, many more artists, later on, would begin to use oil paints instead of water paints. These oil paints allowed future works of art to have much more detail than their counterparts.
  • 1400

    Filippo Brunelleschi creates linear perspective (art and artists part 5)

    Filippo Brunelleschi creates linear perspective (art and artists part 5)
    Filippo was a well-known artist during the renaissance but he was most known for his work making linear perspective paintings. In the year 1400, his most famous painting was created, the Florentine Baptistery. On either side of the painting, there are columns that seem to get smaller and smaller as if you can walk into the painting. His experimentation with perspective paved the way for future perspective artist.
  • 1400

    Humanism (scientific discoveries part 1)

    Humanism (scientific discoveries part 1)
    During the renaissance, there was a main switch in thinking. the new thing was called Humanism. Humanism is the idea that life should revolve around individual achievements and there was less focus on god and religion. This switch in thinking paved the way for more art and scientific discoveries.
  • 1440

    printing press (Martin Luther and reformation part 3)

    printing press (Martin Luther and reformation part 3)
    Martin Luther's writings were a big part of getting people to see the corruption in the church and his writings were the main reason that the reformation even happened. But the problem was getting the writings out to many people and individually copying each page would take a long time. But the printing press allowed people to print his works many times making many copies allowing his writings to spread all over Germany.
  • Jan 1, 1449

    Lorenzo Medici birth (art patrons 2)

    Lorenzo Medici birth (art patrons 2)
    Lorenzo Medici is credited as being one of the greatest Medicis to exist. He was a poet, humanist, skilled politician, and a patron to the arts.
  • Jan 1, 1450

    Trade (daily life and culture part 3)

    Trade (daily life and culture part 3)
    Trade was an important part of the renaissance trade allowed a lot of goods to be imported and exported from Italy. This trade allowed the people of Italy and the surrounding areas to be exposed to many outside things.
  • Aug 1, 1464

    Cosimo de' Medici's death( renaissances art patrons 1)

    Cosimo de' Medici's death( renaissances art patrons 1)
    He was the first of the Medici political dynasty and he was also known as Father Medici or Elder Medici. Without Cosimo, the rest of the Medici family wouldn't have become the banking and art titans that the became during the renaissance. And after Cosimo's death, Signoria awarded him with the title of Father of the country.
  • May 21, 1471

    Albercht Durer (art and artist part 3)

    Albercht Durer (art and artist part 3)
    Albrecht studied many forms of art and many artists. He also learned how to add perspective to his pieces. He also liked Leonardo very much and this liking to his work allowed Albrecht to learn about the human body and how it worked.
  • Oct 10, 1483

    Martin Luther's birthday (Catholic church pre-reformation part 2)

    Martin Luther's birthday (Catholic church pre-reformation part 2)
    Martin Luther was the main reason that the reformation took place with his 95 theses being nailed to the door of the church or his teachings to the people in Wittenburg he was the main reason that people saw the church taking advantage of people.
  • Jan 1, 1490

    high renaissance artist (art and artist 1)

    high renaissance artist (art and artist 1)
    The high renaissance artist-led to some great works of art such as the school of Athens painted on the far wall of the Vatican Palace. witch represents harmony, balance, and order. It was clear that many high renaissance artist understood greek and roman art principles.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus lands on America (daily life part 2)

    Once Columbus landed in America it opened a whole other world to the people back in Spain. The new world brought back many new items to trade and allowed many people who were seeking adventure to leave their country and go to another world. The Americas open up a whole other world and new things to everyone back across the sea.
  • 1500

    Catholic church's practices (church pre-reformation part 3)

    Catholic church's practices (church pre-reformation part 3)
    The catholic church was very wealthy because of all the people of England, Germany, and many more places donations. The church would use this money mostly to build religious houses for monks and nuns. But sometimes the money was used to build important centers of leaning with sprawling libraries. But just before the Reformation there was much criticism towards the church about monks and priests not behaving properly and some believed that the church was more focused on money and power.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    Roman Catholic churches power (pre-reformation part 1)

    During this time the church was extremely rich and powerful, almost anything a person wanted to do had to be okayed by the church this includes marriages, births, and deaths. almost every person at this time would make a pilgrimage to the church and donate money to it as well.
  • 1514

    The Magic square (scientific discoveries part 2)

    The Magic square  (scientific discoveries part 2)
    During the renaissance, there was a surge of science and mathematics and in this year 1514, one major mathematic discovery was the super-magic-square a basic 4 by 4 square. This square was invented by Albrecht Dürer and allowed mathematicians to explore new levels of geometry and mathematics. The super-magic-square would allow people to make complex shapes and use different dimensions with different shapes.
  • 1517

    95 theses (Martin Luther and reformation part 1)

    95 theses (Martin Luther and reformation part 1)
    Up to this point, Martin Luther was fed up with the church's practices such as indulgences. He believed that people could not buy their way into heaven. So he wrote all of his arguments towards the church and nailed them to the church's door in Wittenburg. This act inspired a lot of people to rise up against the church.
  • 1522

    German bible (literary works part 1)

    German bible (literary works part 1)
    during the reformation, Martin Luther Transcribed the bible into the German language. This allowed the German people to read the bible and think what they want about it this means that the people didn't have to take the church's word for it. The German bible was the main factor of the formation of the Lutheran church.
  • 1522

    Translating the bible (Martin Luther and the reformation part 2)

    Translating the bible (Martin Luther and the reformation part 2)
    for a long time, people could not read the bible they just took the churches word on the translations. And oftentimes the church would make things up and say they were from the bible. Martin Luther changed that when he translated the bible in to german so that all the people could read and interpret the bible in their own way.
  • astronomy (scientific discoveries part 3)

    astronomy (scientific discoveries part 3)
    Many of the most major discoveries during the renaissance were made by astronomers. Many planets were discovered and many more stars and moons were also discovered. Also, different concepts were said such as not everything in space moves in a circular pattern such as comments moving in a straight line. But one of the most well-known astronomers was Galileo Gallele. He made some of the most influential discoveries and concepts.
  • Adding machines (Inventions part 1)

    Adding machines (Inventions part 1)
    Blaise pascal was given credit for inventing the adding machine. The adding machine was originally invented to help Pascal's father with taxes but soon gained popularity because of the machines to do basic math very quickly.