Renaissance Timeline, P.O. , 3

By PH03N1X
  • Period: 1096 to 1291


    A fight that broke out between both the Christians and Muslims over places that were considered sacred and holy sights, its very violent and ruthless, especially when the Christian Europeans started to get involved with all the fighting, this made them major players.
  • Period: 1346 to 1352

    The black Plague

    700 years ago the black plague was a serious disease that killed an estimated 26 million people died, due to the lack of knowledge of the disease, because they thought the disease was in the air because of all the feces they dumped outside there homes (air contamination) but is was actually spread because of fleas, fleas would infect other animals or just jump on humans and infect them that way.
    fever, headache, chills, and weakness and one or more swollen, painful lymph nodes.
  • 1400

    Early Renaissance

    The early renaissance was focused on realism, which was basically the same as humanism, the art was more natural looking and most famous artists like masaccio who used liner perspective which created illusion of space which made people feel more immersed in the painting it's self.
  • Period: 1400 to 1495

    Early renaissance

    The early renaissance was focused on realism, which was basically the same as humanism, the art was more natural looking and most famous artists like Masaccio who used liner perspective which created illusion of space which made people feel more immersed in the painting it's self.