Period: May 3, 1400 to
May 3, 1440
Josquin Des Prez, greatest composer of the 1500s, is born
May 3, 1440
The "Golden Age" of polyphony is born
May 3, 1453
Turks conquer Constantinople
May 3, 1453
Gutenberg's moveable type printing press
May 3, 1473
Ottaviano Petrucci becomes the first to publish music using the press
May 3, 1492
Colombus sails to American
May 3, 1497
Johannes Ockeghem, first great Renaissance composer, dies
May 3, 1517
Luther nails 95 Theses to the door of the Church
May 3, 1521
Magellan sails around the globe
May 3, 1525
"The Savior of the Catholic Church Music" Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina is born
May 3, 1526
Luther composes Duedsche Messe
May 3, 1558
Thomas Morley, one of the famous English madgrigalists, is born
Italian madrigals translated into English
Elizabeth I- all educated people expected to read music