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Renaissance Timeline

  • Period: 1300 to 1500

    Life During the Renaissance #1

    During this time period they heavily relied on the social classes. The nobility group makes up 2-3% of the population, and it is made up of kingsmen and Noblemen and their wives and children. The next class is the Townspeople and they make up 7-13% of the population. There is four divisions; patricians, burghers, workers, and the unemployed. The last group is the peasants, and they make up 85-90% of the population.
    Noteset: Life During the Renaissance
  • Period: 1300 to

    Life During the Renaissance #2

    How the families were run is also a big part of life in this time period. The marriages had to be carefully arranged to help the family thrive in the economy. These marriage arrangements would be set in place when the child is between the ages of 2 and 3. In most cases the women's family would provide a dowry for the males family as a business agreement. The male would always be the head of the household, and the women just supervised everything going on in the household. notes
  • Period: 1300 to

    Life During the Renaissance #3

    The different social classes eat different types of food. The food that the peasants eat are the scraps from the nobles food. they mostly eat black bread, which is burnt bread, because it is cheap. They almost never eat meat because it is so expensive. The Merchants and Nobles have huge dinners with many courses, even dessert.
    Noteset: Life During the Renaissance
  • 1434

    Renaissance Art/ Artist #1

    Renaissance Art/ Artist #1
    Jan Van Eyck used oil paints to create his paintings. One of his paintings was "Arnolfini's Portrait". The painting is of a wealthy couple in their bedroom holding hands and the wife is pregnant.
  • 1434

    Patrons of the Arts #1

    Patrons of the Arts #1
    Cosimo de Medici was the reason that the Medici family was so wealthy and was the main reason that their dynasty started. In 1434 he gained control of Florence. Cosimo also funded Filippo Brunelleschi and Donatello with their projects.
  • 1440

    Inventions #1

    Inventions #1
    The printing press The original inventor was Johannes Gutenberg, after him there was no actual upgrade inventor.The Printing Press first changed in 1816 when it became the iron hand press. It then became mechanized and would run the medium through two cylinders to press the ink to the paper or cloth. Next created was the roll press, that could produce up to 30,000 pressed pages every hour.
    Source: My printing press project
  • 1470

    Patrons of the Arts #2

    In History Lorenzo de Medici was thought to be one of the greatest patrons of all time. He supported Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo and Botticelli, and many more other vary respected artists.
  • 1500

    Catholic Church Pre-Reformation #1

    Another way that the churched gained money was by the relics. The people would come from all around to see the relics, and they would pay to see them. The Pope would use the money on whatever he had felt necessary.
  • 1503

    Renaissance Art/ Artist #5

    Renaissance Art/ Artist #5
    Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci in 1503. This is one of the world's most famous paintings.
  • 1504

    Renaissance Art/ Artist #4

    Renaissance Art/ Artist #4
    The Engagement of the Virgin Mary was painted by Raphael. This painting was completed in 1504. In the painting Mary is getting engaged to St. Joseph. Sources:
  • 1511

    Renaissance Art/ Artist #2

    Renaissance Art/ Artist #2
    The School of Athens was painted between 1509 and 1511, by the Italian painter Raphael. The meaning of the painting was to show people's different beliefs in philosophy and religious beliefs. Raphael created this painting in the Vatican Palace.
  • 1513

    Catholic Church Pre-Reformation #2

    In 1513 Pope Leo X became the official pope. He was the person that came up with the idea to sell indulgences. Before he became the pope he was known as Giovanni de'Medici.
  • 1513

    Literary Works #3

    The Price was written by Niccolò Machiavelli, in 1513. This was the way the Machiavelli felt he could give people a guide to the political system. His facts came from past events that happened in history.
  • Mar 15, 1517

    Catholic Church Pre-Reformation #3

    On the third month in 1517, Pope Leo X decided to make it public information that they were going to sell indulgences, that would help them skip out of purgatory. The people were brainwashed to think that it was a wonderful thing and it would help them get into heaven.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation #1

    Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation #1
    Martin wrote the 95 thesis about the things that he was concerned about within the church. The Pope had been giving out false information about what the bible actually said and Martin was calling him out for it. What the bible was saying was different from what the Pope was telling the people. The movie and
  • 1521

    Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation #3

    In this year Martin Luther was asked to recant his 41 thesis. In january of 1521 Martin had chosen not to recant his decision, so he was excommunicated from the church. This means that he is no longer aloud to perform any sort of church masses.

    the movie.
  • 1530

    Scientific Discoveries #1

    Scientific Discoveries #1
    The heliocentric solar system was discovered in 1530 by Nicolaus Copernicus. This discovery proved that the planted rotated around the sun, not the other way around.
  • 1545

    Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation #2

    Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation #2
    The Council of Trent was made up of only upper class gentlemen. It was only held in 25 session. They used this council to discuss the problems that Martin was causing within the church. They held these meetings in the church.
  • Literary Works #1

    Literary Works #1
    The play "Romeo and Juliet" was written by William Shakespeare. The play is about two star crossed lovers that's families will not let each other see. This play was written in 1594.
  • Scientific Discoveries #2

    The scientific method is the study of the process making a new hypothesis and testing it out. They say that this process was not created it was just discovered by Galileo. It was discovered sometime in the 1600's. Even Though Galileo was the first to start this idea he was not given full credit. Francis Bacon was the person to finalize the idea of the scientific method.
  • Literary Works #2

    Hamlet was written by William Shakespeare in the years 1599-1601, and was finally published in 1603. This play was written in five acts, and was about the tragic life of Prince Hamlet.
  • Inventions #3

    The telescope was one of many thing invented in this time period. It is unknown who had invented it, but the first person to design the idea was a dutch eyeglass maker named Hans Lippershey. A telescope was used to magnify objects in the distance.
  • Scientific Discoveries #3

    Galileo had many scientific discoveries that were really important. He discovered that the tides changed in accordance to the Earth's orbit and tilt. They later took his idea and changed it.
  • Inventions #2

    Inventions #2
    The Adding machine was made in between 1642 and 1644. It was invented by a French mathematician-philosopher Blaise Pascal. His father was a tax collector, so he got the idea to do this to make it easier for him to do his job.
  • Renaissance Art/ Artist #3

    Renaissance Art/ Artist #3
    Girl with the Pearl Earring was painted by Vermeer in 1665. During this time period Vermeer was not well-known. Except for in his hometown. Around the start of the twenty-first century, the Girl With the Pearl Earring became one of Vermeer's most famous pieces. This painting has traveled to Italy, Japan, and the United States always drawing a crowd to its showings Sources:
    My artist analysis paper.