Renaissance Timeline

  • Period: 1300 to


    There was a massive carnival every year before lent. There would be games and a mass gathering. Merchants would be there to increase their profits.
  • Period: 1300 to


    Festivals could happen at any time during the Renaissance. Most people would go to festivals for days on end when it came to their city. It would bring merchants and country folk into the city.
  • Period: 1300 to

    Humanism becomes mainstream

    Many writings and studies were focused on humanism. This was due to the fact that people were trying to perfect the human image. They studied things from philosophy to math.
  • 1308

    Start of Masquerade parties

    Start of Masquerade parties
    The masquerade parts started during the renaissance. The party would consist of people wearing masks. The reason why this would happen is so everyone would have a new chance. No one would know who you were. It was also so people could show off their expensive masks and their jewelry.
  • 1390

    The invention of the Blast Furnace

    The invention of the Blast Furnace
    The blast furnace was created by Henry Bessemer. It was very impactful, it made houses and buildings to be more stable because the metal could be melted into the same thing every time.
  • 1400

    Printing press is made

    Printing press is made
    The printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg. This invention made news go wide spread. The printing press was the main reason why Martin Luther's 95 Theses spread
  • 1432

    Patrons start to support the Arts

    Patrons start to support the Arts
    People who supported the artists. This was important because they are the people who brought new and better paints to Europe. They allowed artists to express themselves.
  • 1434

    Medici Family takes over

    Medici Family takes over
    They were the leaders of City-State of Florence and were a very powerful family. They funded may artists. They increased the wealth of Florence and that allowed them to purchase extra things like paint. They helped the artists evolve and paint full time.
  • 1445

    Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi is born

    Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi is born
    He was an artist. His most famous work of art is Sistine Chapel. This is what made him a respected artist. It also got the attention of Leonardo da Vinci but it would turn into Allessandro's worse enemy.
  • 1452

    Leonardo da Vinci is born

    Leonardo da Vinci is born
    He was an artist and a scientist. He was very influential. Creating the first parachute, he had many groundbreaking discoveries. Painted the Mona Lisa.
  • 1466

    Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi is born

    Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi is born
    He was mainly a sculpture but also worked on some art. His most famous work was the sculpture of John the baptist. Mainly worked in Florance.
  • 1475

    Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni is born

    Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni is born
    He was another famous painter. He painted the St. Peters Basilica. He was also a sculptor, creating the sculpture known as David which is made to look like the perfect human. Very influential artist.
  • 1483

    Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino is born

    Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino is born
    He was an important artist. He had many works of art. His most famous being the resurrection of Christ. His big rival is Michelangelo.
  • 1483

    Martin Luther is born

    Martin Luther is born
    Martin Luther led the Protestant Reformation. He helped branch off from the church and become his own part of the Church. He did this by writing his 95 Thesis.
  • 1513

    Pope is in control.

    Pope is in control.
    Pope Leo X was the pope who started to become corrupt. This would change the church because he started to sell indulgences. Also not spreading the word of God and being more focused on Earthly things.
  • 1514

    Pope taking bribes

    Pope taking bribes
    Pope Leo X gave away positions in the church if people would pay him money because he needed it for the Bacilli. This just caused more people to be corrupt but it got the church more money.
  • 1515

    On the Freedom of a Christian was written

    On the Freedom of a Christian was written
    On the Freedom of a Christian was the third of Luther's major reforming treatises. Developed the thought that people are fully forgiven when people ask God for forgiveness. Thought that everyone was their neighbors now.
  • 1516

    Start of building St. Peters Bacilli

    Start of building St. Peters Bacilli
    This caused many problems for Pope Leo X because he did not have any money for the Bacilli. So this is when the Church started selling indulgences for yourself which some people did not see as right.
  • 1517

    95 Theses is posted

    95 Theses is posted
    Martin Luther presented his 95 Theses. This was an important event because it directly challenged the church. It had to deal with what was wrong with the church. The church did not appreciate it.
  • 1525

    Revolt of the Peasants (German)

    Revolt of the Peasants (German)
    Peasants revolted against the church because they thought it was to make everyone equal. 300,000 armed peasants went and destroyed churches and other church properties. Came to a stop once Martin Luther told them this is not what they should be fighting for.
  • 1529

    Luther's Large Catechism is written

    Luther's Large Catechism is written
    Luther's Large Catechism was addressing the clergymen. In the writing Luther shows which of the 10 commandments are the most important. This work of Luther's was written after the Protestant Reformation.
  • 1543

    Discovery of the Solar System

    Discovery of the Solar System
    Nicolaus Copernicus was the person who thought of it. It was against the church and was seen as breaking the law. It eventually was recognized as correct.
  • Invention of the compound microscope

    Invention of the compound microscope
    This scientific discovery was made by Hans and Zacharias Janssen. They discovered this when they found out that a smaller glass then a bigger glass magnifies the image. This has lead to many important discoveries made with the microscope.
  • Invention of the Toilet

    Invention of the Toilet
    John Harington was the inventor of the toilet. This made it so people could use that bathroom inside. Was made for the queen of England.
  • The invention of the Telescope

    The invention of the Telescope
    Hans Lippershey was the creator of the telescope. This was an important scientific discovery because it was used at sea. When it was used to find the America's. It also was used to look into the sky.