Renaissance Timeline

  • 1480

    The Birth of Venus

    The Birth of Venus
    Painted by Sandro Botticelli in 1480. It was done with Tempera on a canvas. Painted in Florance, Italy. It was the most important depicted nude painting since classical antiquity. Its fame is also attributed to history factors along with mythological resonance. It's still an important piece to many women for different reasons. Birth of Venus
  • 1490

    The Vitruvian Man

    The Vitruvian Man
    Leonardo Da Vinci drew this with pen and ink on paper. It was made in 1490. Made in Venice Italy. Vitruvius proposed that a human figure could fit perfectly inside a circle and a square. It's still important now due to its uses in science and even art!
    Vitruvian Man
  • 1495

    The Last Supper

    The Last Supper
    The Last Supper was made with Tempera and Oil on Plaster back between 1495-1498. It holds significant religious value. Milan, Italy. During World War II, it was exposed to the elements due to bombing. The Last Supper
  • 1501


    David was a marble sculpture done by Michelangelo in 1501. Made in Florence, Italy. It was very frowned upon back then due to the fact he actually had genitals, but now he's seen as a masterpiece due to that! David
  • 1503

    Mona Lisa

    Mona Lisa
    The Mona Lisa was an oil painting done on a poplar wood panel in 1503 by Leonardo Da Vinci. This painting has so many mysteries behind it which is why it's so popular. It was theorized that she had no eyebrows because Leonardo Da Vinci was a perfectionist and couldn't get them right. Who was this mystery woman with her captivating smile? It's just a very mysterious painting. Mona Lisa
  • 1506

    The Madonna of the Goldfinch

    The Madonna of the Goldfinch
    The Madonna of the Goldfinch painted by Raphael in between1505-1506 in Florence. This is another piece done with religious tones which explains why it was and is still so popular. The finch is handed to Jesus from St. John's hands while Mary watches. Madonna of the Goldfinch
  • 1508

    The Creation of Adam

    The Creation of Adam
    This piece of art was created on a huge mural called a fresco; it was done by Michaelangelo between 1508-1512! It was painted in the Sistine Chapel which is located in Rome. Many people are still in awe over this piece, with its religious undertones. “The Creation of Adam” remains a persistent icon of Western art and culture. It can be seen through the hundreds of reinterpretations, parodies, and redraws!
  • 1509

    The School of Athens

    The School of Athens
    The School of Athens was painted on another mural called a fresco; created by Raphael in 1509-1511. Painted in Vatican City, Italy. This painting led him to be extremely popular in Vatican and being close with Julius did the same. It is now still in the Papal apartments, as an ode to his paintings. Athens
  • 1514

    The Sistine Madonna

    The Sistine Madonna
    The Sistine Madonna is an oil painting done by Raphael in 1513-1514. It was painted in Piacenza bus is now housed in Germany. It's another religious piece with the Sistine Madonna holding Christ as a child. Perhaps the most admired feature of the picture today, the putti (angels) are said to have been inspired by children that he saw while working on this piece. Redraws or even reproductions of their childlike curiosity have graced T-shirts, socks, mugs, and more.
  • The Entombment of Christ

    The Entombment of Christ
    The Entombment of Christ was painted by Caravaggio with oil paints on a canvas in 1601. It was painted in a chapel located in Rome. This was important to the church due to it depicting Christ being put into his tomb after crucifixion. John the Apostle, cradling Christ’s shoulder, places his fingers on the wound in his side. Virgin Mary appears as a Nun. Entombment