In the 2nd century, an ancient chinese man. It usually had a bar separating the top from the bottom, there were 2 beads on the top and 5 beads at the bottom. You used it to count, you could do adding, subtracting, multiplication, division, square roots and cube roots. It effects us today because it helped us go further in math, it would take a long time if you had to write it all out. It helped use expand our knowledge of math and it also helped develop a calculator that could do even more. -
The Ancient Chinese seismograph was made by a chinese man named Zhang Heng.He was a astronomer and a mathematition, as a kid he loved to study the stars. He invented the earliest seismograph, when the earthquake was happening, the side of the jar had dragons with balls in their mouth. Depending on how strong the earthquake was, the dragon would drop as many balls as the earthquake was strong. It helped us today develop a even more accuarate seismograph to help measure earthquakes. -
One of the 4 great inventions of China. It was a magnetic compass so it used a magnet, the earth has a north side and a south side just like a compass. So if the needle is facing the way that says north then it is north and vice versa. It influenced us today not only to be able to go further and be able to find your way back but also to develop a more technical compass, like a GPS. A GPS is basically a compass but it tells you where to go and how to get there. -
Jan 1, 1300
Dante's 9 circles of sin
Dante Alighieri in the 1300s came up with the idea of what happens to you after you die. If you go to hell, he thought their were 9 circles of hell. It depended how serious your doings were. There were ones that weren't so harsh and ones that put you through alot of pain. It helps us today because it makes people do better things because they are scared of hell and what might happen. -
May 3, 1469
Niccolò Machiavelli
Niccolò Machiavelli was a Italian historian, philosopher, and writer. His most famous book was 'The Prince'. It was about how sometimes you have to do bad things like lie, cheat and steal to get good things in the end. I think it helps us today because it taught us a new way of ruling. His famous quote was "The end justifys the mean". It had to do with a new way of ruling. -
Jan 1, 1503
Leonardo Da Vinci
During 1503-1507, Leonardo Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa. It changed our perspectives on how art was drawn and how it changed over time. He was one of the first artists in Renaissance time that didn't draw anything that had to do with christianity or god. He changed the perspective of art so that people didn't just draw in 2-D, he also drew 3 dimentionally. He drew with alot of detail and facial expressions. That really helped develop art in today's day. -
Apr 21, 1509
King Henry VIII
On April 21st 1509, King Henry VIII was crowned king. He had 6 wives, unfortunatly none of them worked out. When he wanted to get a divorce with Catherine of Aragoh.They wouldn't let him because it was against the bible. So he got angry and developed a new kind of church, they still believed in the bible, they just thought that King Henry could make the rules. He gave himself a divorce. It helps us today because without him there would only be 1 type of church and nobody could get a divorce. -
Jan 1, 1533
St. Thomas More
He opposed the king's separation from the Catholic Church and refused to accept the king as Supreme Head of the Church of England. He was imprisoned in 1534 for his refusal to take the oath required by the First Succession Act, because the act disparaged the power of the Pope and Henry’s marriage to Catherine of Aragon. In 1535, he was beaded.This helped us today to teach us not ot give up in what you believe in. Keep perservering and never give up. It also helped us develop a new kind of church -
Jan 1, 1561
The inquisitions were held by the church to convict people of herecy. People could have the chance to defend themselves and then they would get their punishment. Much like today where people are taken to court and the judge can give them any punishment or see if they are guilty or not. -
Oct 16, 1575
Martin Luther
Martin Luther helped the germans to translate the new testament of the bible into german. He also wrote lots of hymns for the church. It helped us today to develop more hyms for churches and in all different languages. Martin Luther also was convicted of heresy, he said that the pope was corrupt. He went to the inquisistion and didn't say enough to keep him alive. He was burned at the stake and divided the christian world in 2. -
Galileo Galilei
Galileo was born on 15 Febuary 1564.He was always interested in different things but he loved astronomy. When he was older he taught at a university and taught astronommy. He found out that Aristotle was wrong and the pope didn't like that. It helped us alot today because his inventions helped prove that everything revolved around the sun, not earth. It also helped Isaac Newton in the theory of gravity and Einstein in the theory of relativity. -
Gun Powder
Gun powder was invented in China in the mid 9th century. It effects us in good and bad ways today. In bad ways there are lots of bad people that use it to kill others. Even for no reason, it has made our homes more dangerous. We need to take more caution in what we do. It helps us in a good way because we can invent things using gun powder and it can protect you from enemies. It may be even needed to save lives of many. -
Ancient Chinese Medicine
Essentially, one of the founding principles of ancient Chinese medicine is the fact that there is a natural flow of energy called qi that runs through your system. The flow of the qi is quite important and if it is blocked, slowed, or even moving to quickly, you will experience an imbalance that can allow disease and severe pain to occur. It still helps us today because people still go to chinese doctors who perform qi on them to relax them and heal a wound like a sore ankle. -
Archimedes Principle
During 287-212 BC, A scientist named Archimedes discovered what is now known as the Archimedes Principle. Archimedes discovered that floating objects or objects that are fully or partially submerged in a fluid have a certain amount of upthrust, or buoyancy, acting on them. It is still used today because it helps scientists learn more and discover more about how boats work and how things float or sink. We even use that everyday to help us get around on boats or do underwater research. -
Besides giving us paper cuts, paper can be extremely useful and needed. Between 140 and 86 BC, Chinese Emperor by Ts'ai Lun was ruling china and made one of the most significant inventions of all time. In 105 AD the chinese invented paper. Paper influences us alot today, if we didn't have paper we would be writing on shells, rocks or even carving into metal with nails. We can learn alot about many things from paper, people record their thoughts and we can read them and learn from them.