Feb 3, 1095
DONE The Catholic Church (Pre-Reformation) #1 The use of indulgences
1095 was the earliest record of indulgences being sold, but Indulgences were used to reduce the amount of a punishment that a person has to to through because of their sins. Later later a Pastor named Martin Luther became very upset because he believed that people were wasting their money on something that wasn't real. ( https://infidels.org/secular_web/feature/1999/conclusions.html )
( Martin Luther Movie ) -
Feb 5, 1434
DONE Patrons of the Arts Event #1 Cosimo de' Medici and his family
The Medici family was a very wealthy family and had political power over Florence in the 13 Century, this family was very had a lot of support for the arts which made Florence the center of the Renaissance and was still growing with time. (http://www.history.com/topics/medici-family) -
Jan 1, 1456
DONE Inventions Event #1 Printing Press
The Printing Press was invented by Gutenberg in 1456. It was used for making copies of one thing to make many and sell. This invention made it easier for people to get book and learn how to read.
(https://www.britannica.com/technology/printing-press) -
Jul 5, 1473
DONE Patrons of the Arts Event #2 Landscape Santa Maria Della Neve
The Landscape Santa Maria Della Neve was one of the earliest drawings by Leonardo in 1473. This illustration shows the Montelupo and Arno Castle. When Leonardo was a child he loved to explore and showed an interest in collecting everything on his explorations. Leonardo was one of the first to think of drawing out a landscape with out people and some kind of symbolic meaning. ( https://www.leonardodavinci.net/landscape-drawing-for-santa-maria-della-neve.jsp ) -
Jun 6, 1486
DONE Renaissance Art/Artists ( Sandro Bitticelli : The Birth of Venus )
The Birth of Venus was created started being created in 1484 and was finished in 1486. This painting was created by an Italian artist by the name of Sandro Botticelli, who started off his life as a goldsmith and then later emerged to be a master artist. The Birth of Venus painting was showing the Goddess Venus coming to shore after her birth and being fully grown.
( Renaissance painting project ) -
May 10, 1508
DONE Renaissance Art/Artists Event #4 ( The Creation : Michanglelo ) ( https://study.com/academy/lesson/the-creation-of-adam-by-michelangelo-analysis-lesson-quiz.html )
The Creation painting was painted by Michelangelo in 1508 he started painting the piece and he finished it in 1512. This painting shows Adam on the left laying down reaching up to God who is surrounded by many people above him. There are two things that were thought when looking at this painting. One being Adam and God are reaching which could be showing a desire of God, or they are letting each other go which could show the absents of separation from God. " Link is on the top " -
Aug 3, 1508
DONE Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance #3 harpist cord, dances
The Pavane was a dance invented by Ferdinand Cortez during the 16th century that was preformed during the Renaissance called the Pavane. It was a slow professional dance that was common during the 16th century in Europe. This dance was mostly used to open ceremonial balls and was also used as a way to show off and display elegant dress.
( Daily Life Power point ) -
Jan 3, 1513
DONE Renaissance Art/Artists Event #5 ( Madonna of the chair : Raphael
The Modonna of the Chair was painted by Raphael, he started painting this piece in 1513 and finished it in 1514. This painting was based off of an inn that Raphael had walked into and had seen a mother sitting with her baby with another little boy sitting on the side. At that point Raphael thought that it would be perfect for a painting to he asked her if he could paint her and her children. ( https://painting-drawing.knoji.com/the-interesting-story-behind-raphaels-madonna-of-the-chair/ ) -
Mar 8, 1516
DONE Renaissance Art/Artists Event #3 ( Man in the Red Cap : Titian )
The Man in the Red Cap was painted by Titian, this painting was painted in 1516. The Man in the Red Cap was one of Titians early paintings and it was to show the Renaissance perfect poetic male beauty. This painting also was the start of a new style of painting during the 16 century by creating a painting that shows the illusion of softness to fabrics. This has helped us to advance even more in our painting techniques today. ( https://www.frick.org/exhibitions/parmigianino/red_cap ) -
Oct 31, 1517
DONE Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation #1 The 95 theses
The 95 theses were written in 1517 by Martin Luther. The 95 Theses otherwise known as the “Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences. They were a list of propositions and question for debate Written by martin Luther on behalf of his own beliefs and what he thought. It is said that Luther first posted these 95 Theses by nailing them to the doors of the Wittenberg Chruch on October 31, 1517.
(Martin Luther Movie) (http://www.luther.de/en/95thesen.html) -
Jan 3, 1521
DONE Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation #3 excommunicated from the church
Excommunication is Excluding or taking someones right to participate in the services and sacraments of a Christian Church. On January 3, 1521 martin Luther was Excommunicated from the Christian Church because he stood up for what he believed in, and was not going to take back what he stated in the 95 Theses which were the question and problems that he had with the Church. ( http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/martin-luther-excommunicated ) ( Martin Luther Movie ) -
Feb 4, 1521
DONE Martin Luther & the Protestant Reformation #2 German translated bible
In 1521 Martin Luther translates the Bible into German, he started earlier in before 1517 and then later finished it in 1521. This was around the time when the printing press became usable to a lot of people so that they could read and understand the books in a writing that they could read. ( https://www.museeprotestant.org/en/notice/martin-luther-translator-of-the-bible/ ) -
May 2, 1563
DONE The Catholic Church (Pre-Reformation) #2 Relics
Relics were preserved physical remains or positions that were sacrificed of a saint that were used as a memorial for many saints.
These Relics were used for people to pray to and worship.
( Martin Luther Movie )
( http://www.treasuresofthechurch.com/about-relics ) -
Apr 2, 1565
DONE Renaissance Art/Artists Event 2 ( Hunters in the Snow : Pieter Brueghel ) (https://smarthistory.org/pieter-bruegel-the-elder-hunters-in-the-snow-winter/ )
The Hunters in the Snow was created by Pieter Brueghel in 1565. This story behind this painting is about three friends Tub, Frank, and Kenny that are going hunting in the woods outside of Spokane, Washington. Trying to find a game to play on their hunting trip, They are not able to find a game Kenny shoots a farmers dog and a fence post requested by owners. Kenny acts like he was going to shoot his friend Tub as a joke, Tub Shoots Kenny because because he thought that he was going to shoot him. -
Mar 4, 1576
DONE The Catholic Church (Pre-Reformation) #3 Pilgrimage
Pilgrimage was usually about the spiritual and moral importance of taking a journey to a very sacred location of another's faith or beliefs, a person that takes a journey like this is know as a pilgrim. (https://www.encyclopedia.com/philosophy-and-religion/bible/bible-general/pilgrimage) -
DONE Inventions Event #3 Flush Toilet
The Flush Toilet was invented by Sir John Harrington in 1596.
The flush toilet was used to dispose of waste easier. This invention Helped by starting a new life with cleanliness this also helped with a lot if sicknesses and diseases that were being spread from human waste intake.
(https://www.plumbingsupply.com/flushingtoilethistory.html) -
DONE Literary Works Event #2 Romeo and Juliet
The play / book of Romeo and Juliet was written in 1597 by William Shakespeare, it is a tragic story about to lovers coming from two different families that are feud, and they have to see each other in secret. It takes Romeo and Juliet both dying to break the family feud. This famous play is now one of the most frequently preformed plays. ( https://www.cliffsnotes.com/literature/r/romeo-and-juliet/romeo-and-juliet-at-a-glance ) -
DONE Continued Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance #2 Daily Life for Men and Women (Daily Life Slides)
For women it also depended on if you were wealthy or not, women that were wealthy did not have much work to do because they had servants to do work for them, But those women who were in the middle to lower class had a lot more work to do such as having actual job or taking more responsibility to take care of things themselves like cleaning, caring for their kids, preparing food for their families, and usually homeschooling their kids if they could not pay for their kids schooling -
DONE Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance #1 peasants bath about 2 to 3 times a year
The peasants and poor had very had hygiene during the middle ages, and the lack of knowledge for self cleanliness, pluming, modern medicines, and Hygiene products made it very hard for people to clean them selves so they took very few baths per year. This was also the reason for a lot of diseases the were found and that were being spread and killing a lot of people.
Happened from 1603 - 1868 ( Daily life slides ) -
DONE Daily Life/Culture of the Renaissance #2 Daily Life for Men and Women (Daily Life Slides)
For men their daily like was dependent upon if they were in the higher middle or lower class. Most men had almost the same kind of jobs but depending on if they were in a higher or lower class was how much they did. If a man were raised in a higher class they did not have to work as hard because they had things given to them unlike lower class families.some men would study in science, and math to become a teacher. -
DONE Inventions Event #2 The Telescpoe
The telescope was invented by Hans Lippershey in 1608, and then later on in 1668 Isaac Newton made his own improvements in the Telescope, The telescope is an Instrument made to make things that are far away appear closer. It contains a variety of lenses and curved mirror lenses, it works when rays of light are collected and focused and result in a magnified image. The telescope has allowed us to see things that are normally impossible to see by the naked eye. (Invention Smore presentation) -
DONE Scientific Discoveries Event #3 ( Rings of Saturn )
The Rings of Saturn were discovered by Galileo Galilei in 1601. later finding out that Saturn's rings cover the most area out of any other planet in the solar system. This and many other discoveries opened us up to keeping looking further into space and find more. ( https://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/k-4/stories/nasa-knows/ring-a-round-the-saturn.html ) -
DONE Scientific Discoveries Event #1 ( Jupiter's discovery )
Jupiter was discovered by Galileo Galilei in 1610. He is said not to be the first to discover Jupiter but he was the first to astronomer to highly detail the observations of the discovery of Jupiter, he was also the first astronomer to discover many other moons and planets. ( https://www.universetoday.com/15142/discovery-of-jupiter/ ) -
DONE Scientific Discoveries Event #2 ( Phases of Venus )
The phases of Venus were discovered by Galileo Galilei when he made the first observations in 1610. The phases of Venus are seen and come from different amounts of light seen on the surface of Venus, these phases are very similar to lunar phases, and Galileo Galilei holds the first record of observing them with a telescope. (https://science.nasa.gov/phases-venus) -
DONE Literary Works Event #3 Paradise Lost John Milton
Lost Paradise is a Poem written by John Milton in 1617. This poem is about Adam and Eve, and how they were created, who later came to find themselves lost in a Paradise or the Garden on Eden. This poem is close to what the first part of the book of Genesis, but its more stretched out and detailed. (http://www.letras.ufrj.br/veralima/veralima_2004/6_lit_ingl3/lit_ingl3_lei/week2/remittance2/author_milton_paradise_raquel_souza.htm) -
DONE Literary Works Event #1 Macbeth
Macbeth is another famous Play / Book written by Shakespeare in 1623. This play was about how someone being Macbeth can get so caught up with what he wants and the pressure of every thing else in his life that he goes all out for it and he ends up messing up with magic, and if he wouldn't have used magic everything probably about have ended up how he wanted it. ( http://www.sparknotes.com/shakespeare/macbeth/summary/ )