renaissance/reformation/sciebtific revolution time line, great inventors of the renassaance

  • 1398

    johan gutenburg

    johan gutenburg
    he was an inventor that made the revoulutionary printing press
  • 1440

    printing resoulustion

    printing resoulustion
    it was the shift from hand printing everything to being able to do it mechanically. and mass produce a written thing/ book
  • Apr 15, 1452

    leonardo da vinci

    leonardo da vinci
    he was an inventor,artitech,painter and sculpter. he was gifted with a curious mind and brilliant intellect. he studied laws of science and nature.
  • Oct 27, 1466


    he was a man of great intellect who rose to be one of the greatest thinkers
  • Feb 19, 1473


    he was an astronomer that propose the heliocentric theory.
  • 1543

    heliocentric theory.

    heliocentric theory.
    argues that the center of solor systems revolves around the sun instead of the earth
  • Jan 22, 1561

    francis bacon

    francis bacon
    he was an English philosopher and statesmen. and he was lord chancellor of England.
  • Feb 15, 1564


    he discovered four of jupiter's moons. he was a physicist and astronomer.
  • rene descartes

    rene descartes
    he was applied to mathematics and logic to understanding the natural world.
  • isaac newton

    isaac newton
    he was a physicist and mathematician.he developed the principles of modern physics.