Mar 20, 1345
The Black Death
Resulting in the deaths of30--60 percent of Europe's population killed. -
Jan 1, 1350
The Renaissance Begins
Religion was beginning to lose it's base on society. -
Oct 1, 1428
Joan of Arc and the Siege of Orleans
Between October 1428 - May 1429 A teenage French peasant, successfully led a French force to break the siege. -
Aug 1, 1464
Cosimo de Medici died
The first of the Medici political dynasty. Rulers of Florence during much of the Italian Renaissance. -
Nov 1, 1478
The Spainish Inquistion
The execution by the civil authorities of the sentences charge. -
Jan 1, 1486
Birth of Venus
One of the famous pieces of art during the Renaissance, by Sandro Botticelli. -
Oct 12, 1492
Christopher Columbus lands in the Caribbean.
Christopher Columbus' voyage to find a western trade route to Asia. -
May 4, 1493
The Line of Demarcation between Spain and Portugal.
Line of Demarcation, which divides the non-European world into two zones. -
Jan 1, 1495
The Last Supper
Between 1495-1498 painted by Leonardo Da Venci. World's most famous paintings. -
Jun 24, 1497
John Cabot lands on the east coast of North America.
He claims the land in the name of King Henry VII, mistakenly believing he is in Asia. -
Apr 25, 1507
A German mapmaker names the "New World" America.
Written by the Italian sailor Amerigo Vespucci. -
Jan 1, 1509
The School of Athens
Between 1509-1511 was painted by Raphael's Sanzio. Created because it captured the classical spirit of the Renaissance. -
Aug 24, 1511
Portugal Capture Malacca.
Allows them to ally with Asian leaders and establish a major shelf in Asian trade routes. -
Oct 31, 1517
Luther's Ninety-five theses
Led to the Flames of Revolution. -
Jan 12, 1520
Martin Luther’s Three Treatises
Served as a enthusiastic call to reformation of the church. -
Sep 1, 1522
Publication of Luther’s Translation of the New Testament
The translation of the Bible into the language of the people. -
Sep 8, 1522
The Vittoria completes its circumnavigation of the globe
Completes the first circumnavigation of the globe, nearly three years after first setting out. -
Oct 1, 1529
The Marburg Colloquy
Luther and Zwingli's discourse of the theology -
Aug 29, 1533
rancisco Pizarro executes the last Inca emperor.
He capitalizes on the tensions in the Incan empire and quickly captures the Inca emperor, whom he executes in 1533. -
Jan 1, 1534
The Act of Supremacy
The right of Henry VIII to be supreme head on earth of the Church of England. -
Jul 12, 1536
Desiderius Erasumus Dies
He was a Dutch Renaissance hummanist, Catholic priest, He was critical, a teacher, and theologian. -
Dec 17, 1538
Henry the 8th Banished
Banished from the Catholic Church by Pope Paul the 3rd. -
Jan 1, 1545
The Council Trent (1545-1563)
The Beginning of Council Trent 1545-1563, Described as the embodiment of the Counter Reformation. -
Jan 1, 1555
The Peace of Augsburg
The beginning of religious toleration in Europe. -
Jan 1, 1559
Calvin’s Institutes
His theology is important because it was a enterprising explanation of theology, because the other Reformers’ theologies were conservative in nature, being fake in the middle of conflict. -
Jan 15, 1559
Queen Elizabeth 1
Coronation, she was the 5th and last monarch in the Tudor dynasty. King Henry the 8th is her father. She etablished the English Protestant church. -
Jan 1, 1572
St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre
The Catholic against the Huguenot. It was a turning point in the French Wars of Religion. -
Jul 28, 1576
Martin Frobisher sights land in North America.
Determined to find the Northwest Passage between the Atlantic Ocean and Asia, sets sail for North America. -
The Edict of Nantes
Hopeful signs that the Reformation would eventually end. -
English vendor found the East India Company.
Hoping to accomplish trade in East and Southeast Asia and India, a group of English Vendors form the East India Company. -
Dutch vendors found the Dutch East India Company
A group of wealthy Vendors found the Dutch East India Company, which furthers their quest to be the major European commercial power in the east. -
Period: to
Renaissance, The Reformation,The Age of Discovery Timeline