Renaissance, Reformation, and Age of Exploration Important Events

By Rocio_P
  • Mar 20, 1345

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    Resulting in the deaths of30--60 percent of Europe's population killed.
  • Jan 1, 1350

    The Renaissance Begins

    The Renaissance Begins
    Religion was beginning to lose it's base on society.
  • Oct 1, 1428

    Joan of Arc and the Siege of Orleans

    Joan of Arc and the Siege of Orleans
    Between October 1428 - May 1429 A teenage French peasant, successfully led a French force to break the siege.
  • Aug 1, 1464

    Cosimo de Medici died

    Cosimo de Medici died
    The first of the Medici political dynasty. Rulers of Florence during much of the Italian Renaissance.
  • Nov 1, 1478

    The Spainish Inquistion

    The Spainish Inquistion
    The execution by the civil authorities of the sentences charge.
  • Jan 1, 1486

    Birth of Venus

    Birth of Venus
    One of the famous pieces of art during the Renaissance, by Sandro Botticelli.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus lands in the Caribbean.

    Christopher Columbus' voyage to find a western trade route to Asia.
  • May 4, 1493

    The Line of Demarcation between Spain and Portugal.

    The Line of Demarcation between Spain and Portugal.
    Line of Demarcation, which divides the non-European world into two zones.
  • Jan 1, 1495

    The Last Supper

    The Last Supper
    Between 1495-1498 painted by Leonardo Da Venci. World's most famous paintings.
  • Jun 24, 1497

    John Cabot lands on the east coast of North America.

    John Cabot lands on the east coast of North America.
    He claims the land in the name of King Henry VII, mistakenly believing he is in Asia.
  • Apr 25, 1507

    A German mapmaker names the "New World" America.

    A German mapmaker names the "New World" America.
    Written by the Italian sailor Amerigo Vespucci.
  • Jan 1, 1509

    The School of Athens

    Between 1509-1511 was painted by Raphael's Sanzio. Created because it captured the classical spirit of the Renaissance.
  • Aug 24, 1511

    Portugal Capture Malacca.

    Portugal Capture Malacca.
    Allows them to ally with Asian leaders and establish a major shelf in Asian trade routes.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Luther's Ninety-five theses

    Luther's Ninety-five theses
    Led to the Flames of Revolution.
  • Jan 12, 1520

    Martin Luther’s Three Treatises

    Served as a enthusiastic call to reformation of the church.
  • Sep 1, 1522

    Publication of Luther’s Translation of the New Testament

    Publication of Luther’s Translation of the New Testament
    The translation of the Bible into the language of the people.
  • Sep 8, 1522

    The Vittoria completes its circumnavigation of the globe

    The Vittoria completes its circumnavigation of the globe
    Completes the first circumnavigation of the globe, nearly three years after first setting out.
  • Oct 1, 1529

    The Marburg Colloquy

    The Marburg Colloquy
    Luther and Zwingli's discourse of the theology
  • Aug 29, 1533

    rancisco Pizarro executes the last Inca emperor.

    rancisco Pizarro executes the last Inca emperor.
    He capitalizes on the tensions in the Incan empire and quickly captures the Inca emperor, whom he executes in 1533.
  • Jan 1, 1534

    The Act of Supremacy

    The Act of Supremacy
    The right of Henry VIII to be supreme head on earth of the Church of England.
  • Jul 12, 1536

    Desiderius Erasumus Dies

    Desiderius Erasumus Dies
    He was a Dutch Renaissance hummanist, Catholic priest, He was critical, a teacher, and theologian.
  • Dec 17, 1538

    Henry the 8th Banished

    Henry the 8th Banished
    Banished from the Catholic Church by Pope Paul the 3rd.
  • Jan 1, 1545

    The Council Trent (1545-1563)

    The Council Trent (1545-1563)
    The Beginning of Council Trent 1545-1563, Described as the embodiment of the Counter Reformation.
  • Jan 1, 1555

    The Peace of Augsburg

    The Peace of Augsburg
    The beginning of religious toleration in Europe.
  • Jan 1, 1559

    Calvin’s Institutes

    Calvin’s Institutes
    His theology is important because it was a enterprising explanation of theology, because the other Reformers’ theologies were conservative in nature, being fake in the middle of conflict.
  • Jan 15, 1559

    Queen Elizabeth 1

    Queen Elizabeth 1
    Coronation, she was the 5th and last monarch in the Tudor dynasty. King Henry the 8th is her father. She etablished the English Protestant church.
  • Jan 1, 1572

    St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre

    St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre
    The Catholic against the Huguenot. It was a turning point in the French Wars of Religion.
  • Jul 28, 1576

    Martin Frobisher sights land in North America.

    Martin Frobisher sights land in North America.
    Determined to find the Northwest Passage between the Atlantic Ocean and Asia, sets sail for North America.
  • The Edict of Nantes

    The Edict of Nantes
    Hopeful signs that the Reformation would eventually end.
  • English vendor found the East India Company.

    English vendor  found the East India Company.
    Hoping to accomplish trade in East and Southeast Asia and India, a group of English Vendors form the East India Company.
  • Dutch vendors found the Dutch East India Company

    Dutch vendors found the Dutch East India Company
    A group of wealthy Vendors found the Dutch East India Company, which furthers their quest to be the major European commercial power in the east.
  • Period: to

    Renaissance, The Reformation,The Age of Discovery Timeline