Scientific- Scientific Method
A scientific method is when you come up with a hypothesis. You then perform tests and do research to back up your hypothesis. You can test using measurements, observation, and experimental testing. Just use anything that helps support your hypothesis. Aristotle was the first person to bring this method to life. https://www.smore.com/csv1k
https://www.smore.com/xtzyw -
Invention- Glasses
The eyeglasses were invented during the Renaissance. They were originally made to be able to read or for farsightedness. No one knows who really made the eyeglasses or when they were originally created.
(The date I used was one of the many dates I found)
https://www.smore.com/z8cqe -
Literary- The Divine Comedy
The Divine Comedy was a poem that was written in Italy. It was about a souls journey through salvation. The soul goes through Hell, purgatory, and Heaven. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/16OIPHtpStcyiCX29-R30-szslsvaFG3ak0uxfWgMOz4/edit#slide=id.p13
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Literary- The Canterbury Tales
The Canterbury Tales were stories that were told by 29 pilgrims. The pilgrims were going to the tomb of St. Thomas Beckett, he was buried in Canterbury, England. St. Thomas Beckett was an archbishop who was murdered by King Henry's followers. Also, he was killed over an argument of the power of the church. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/16OIPHtpStcyiCX29-R30-szslsvaFG3ak0uxfWgMOz4/edit#slide=id.p13
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Literary- The Book of the City of Ladies
The Book of the City of Ladies was a book written by Christine de Pizan. The book was arguing that women were just as intelligent and successful as men. It argued that the woman should get the same educational opportunities that the men got. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/16OIPHtpStcyiCX29-R30-szslsvaFG3ak0uxfWgMOz4/edit#slide=id.p14
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Patron- Lorenzo
The Medici banking dominated Florence because of Cosimo de Medici's great wealth. They also had offices that went all around Italy and Europe. The reigned throughout 1469. The Medici grandson was named Lorenzo de Medici, he became a great patron of the arts. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1cN954vJixUUfHVcZtdeCuaU1F70Os8g0s4tOVUJOS9s/edit#slide=id.p12
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Patron- Cosimo
Cosimo Medici was very wealthy. He and the whole Medici family were patrons. They supported many artists, like Leonardo di Vinci. He reigned in 1469. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1erFiekyWvPn0_Hgx0sIXf1w2A3Oi7TLLm-m5w6er4Mo/edit.
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Period: 1482 to 1527
Life/Culture- Family
When children of the family were 2-3 years old they would already know who they were going to marry. Families would arrange marriages, you would marry someone with the same social class as you. The grooms family would usually be given money to seal the deal. The father of the family ran the household. The mother would supervise and watch after the children. Life During the Renaissance PowerPoint
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Art/Artist- School of Athens
The School of Athens was a painting that was painted on one of the walls in the Vatican Palace. Raphael wanted people to know he understood art. This painting is supposed to show balance, harmony, and order. Google
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/16OIPHtpStcyiCX29-R30-szslsvaFG3ak0uxfWgMOz4/edit -
Period: 1490 to 1527
Life/Culture- Classes
There were 3 social classes during the Renaissance. One class was the Noble class, they made up 2-3% of the population. They had high ranking jobs, like the King's advisors. Another was the townspeople, they made up 7-13% of the population. They worked as shopkeepers, artisans, and guild masters. Lastly, was the peasants, they made up 85-90% of the population. They worked the bottom jobs, they didn't get that much as well. Life During the Renaissance PowerPoint
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Period: 1490 to 1527
Life/Culture- Education
Middle-upper class males would usually be the ones to go to school, sometimes a poor, talented boy could make it. They would learn about reading, writing, and math. It would all be focused around religion though. Most boys went to a small school full of boys in their social class. Others would go to a private school. Life During the Renaissance PowerPoint
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Art/Artist- Raphael
Raphael was known for his many depictions of the Virgin Mary. He was special because he has this idea of beauty. No one could even imitate what this beauty was. He painted Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints in 1504. Artistic Movements of the Renaissance PowerPoint
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Art/Artist- Leonardo
Leonardo was considered a master of "realistic paintings". His paintings represented what he believed beauty was. He wanted his paintings to be the ideal forms of themselves. He painted the Mona Lisa that was made in 1503. Artistic Movements of the Renaissance PowerPoint
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Scientific- Heliocentric Solar System
The Heliocentric Solar System is a representation of our solar system. It is a model which the sun is in the center and all our other planets revolve around it. The Heliocentric Solar System was presented to the world in a book written by Nicolaus Copernicus. https://www.smore.com/qxmw3
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Art/Artist- Frescos
Frescos are water-based paint on wet plaster, this was used to create the very first masterpiece during the Renaissances. The water-based paint and the wet plaster canvas made the painting have more depth. During the Middle Ages, paintings were flatter and didn't have this technique. It made paintings look more realistic. An example of frescos would be the Sistine Chapel ceiling, which was created in 1508. Google
Artistic Movements of the Renaissance PowerPoint -
Art/Artist- Michelangelo
Michelangelo was quite the artist. He painted, sculpted, and was even an architecture. He was given credit for a lot of frescoes that were created in the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City. The most famous fresco that he was given credit for was The Creation(started to be made in 1508). He made his paintings have perfect proportions and to show divine beauty. Artistic Movements of the Renaissance PowerPoint
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Catholic Church- Pope
The Catholic church believed if that the Pope's word was law, if you disagreed with him you were going to hell. Therefore those who did disagree with the Pope did not speak about it. The Pope could get you killed or could excommunicate you from the church. Leo X was a Pope during the Renaissance, he became the Pope in 1513. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_AKJS39m5pKx0IlvKYQriQwSiTb5KuDnm-5TwUShnRQ/edit#slide=id.g30c764d085_0_125
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Martin Luther- 95 theses
Martin Luther wrote the 95 theses. One of the lessons Martin Luther wanted to teach in these theses is that indulgences were fake. One of the reasons he wrote the theses is because the church was selling indulgences. He told everyone they were fake and the way to get out of purgatory was to love. He wrote the 95 theses in 1517.
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Martin Luther- Leo X
In the 95 theses, Martin Luther had stated that he disagrees with many of Leo X had told the public. Martin Luther told everyone that the indulgences were fake and many more things. Leo X then said that he wanted all of Martin's work destroyed. He wanted this done in 1517. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_AKJS39m5pKx0IlvKYQriQwSiTb5KuDnm-5TwUShnRQ&authuser=0
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Catholic Church- Indulgences
The church told people that you could buy indulgences to free someone from purgatory. Sometimes you could even free someone who was living. Purgatory is the years you wait before you are let into heaven or cast down into hell. Pope Leo X had started to sell indulgences in 1517. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_AKJS39m5pKx0IlvKYQriQwSiTb5KuDnm-5TwUShnRQ/edit#slide=id.g30c764d085_0_125
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Catholic Church- Relics
The church would pay a lot of money to obtain relics. To regain this money they made people pay to see these relics. So many people did pay to see these relics, thinking it would help them in life. Frederick lll received one of his first in 1518. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_AKJS39m5pKx0IlvKYQriQwSiTb5KuDnm-5TwUShnRQ/edit#slide=id.g30c764d085_0_125
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Martin Luther- Translated the Bible
Martin Luther translated the bible. The bible was originally just in Latin and not a lot of people could read Latin. He translated it to German which made it easy for everyone to read. He translated the Bible in 1522. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_AKJS39m5pKx0IlvKYQriQwSiTb5KuDnm-5TwUShnRQ/edit#slide=id.g30c764d085_0_119
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Invention- Violin
The violin is an instrument with four strings. You play this stringed instrument with a bow. No one knows who originally created string instruments, but they were many before the violin. The violin was very popular during the Renaissance for vocal and dance purposes. https://www.smore.com/r8h03
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Scientific- Microscope
A microscope is something that helps you to magnify and see very, very small objects. During the Renaissance, the microscope was not very popular though. The image was blurry and made was very hard to see things under it. The first microscope was built by the Janssens. https://www.smore.com/0zteg
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Invention- Submarine
The first submarine was created by Cornelis Drebbel. Many people had an idea of the submarine before him. The first submarine was a made of wood, which they had a lot of. It had a foot peddle for propelling and had to be hand cranked. https://www.smore.com/5btf4