

  • 1347

    Black Plague

    Black Plague
    The Black Plague hits Europe and wipes out most of its population. This was essentially the beginning of the Renaissance
  • 1374

    Death of Petarch

    Death of Petarch
    Petarch was a man called "the Father of Renaissance". When he died, it had a huge impact on society and how things moved on from then.
  • 1434

    Medici Family

    Medici Family
    Medici family becomes head of Florence. The Medici family had a lot of power and could control a lot of people. Their family ruled almost all through the Renaissance.
  • 1450

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    Johannes Gutenberg invented the Printing Press. This created books, newspapers, and improved education.
  • 1453

    Ottoman Empire

    Ottoman Empire
    The Ottoman Empire captured Constantinople, bringing an end to the Byzantine Empire. This gave the Ottoman Empire more land and more power.
  • 1485

    Henry VII

    Henry VII
    Henry VII becomes the King of England. This begins the reign of the House of Tudor.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Christopher Columbus discovers America. When America was discovered, this gave settlers more places to move.
  • 1501

    Sculpture of David

    Sculpture of David
    Michelangelo begins working on the Sculpture of David. This sculpture was a huge artifact of this time.
  • 1527

    Rome is Sacked!

    Rome is Sacked!
    Rome is sacked by the troops of the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V. This gave the Holy Roman Emperor a lot more power and Rome less power.
  • 1558

    Queen of England

    Queen of England
    Elizabeth I becomes Queen of England. This freed England from King Henry. Elizabeth was the first female ruler.
  • Globe Theater

    Globe Theater
    William Shakespeare builds Globe Theater. This gave the people more theater and William Shakespeare was a huge writer during this time frame. The globe theater is a huge landmark.
  • 30 Year War

    30 Year War
    The 30 year war begins. The 30 year war ended the Renaissance, however, it began a whole other era.