Renaissance and Reformation

  • 1284


    Salvino D'Armato degli Armati from Italy is credited with making wearable eyeglasses in 1284. It was not until the 15th century that glasses for conditions like hyperopia, myopia, and presbyopia were made. In the 13th century, Roger Bacon had put forth a scientific theory on how to make use of corrective eyeglasses.
  • 1308

    Dante's poem

    Dante's poem
    Dante wrote a poem about the soul's way to salvation. He named this poem The Divine Comedy. In the poem, he goes through an imaginary hell, purgatory, and heaven.
  • 1350


    Humanism promoted the idea that man was the center of his own universe. "People should embrace human achievements in education, classical arts, literature, and science". In 1450 the printing press from Gutenberg's invention improved communication throughout Europe and for ideas to spread more quickly.
  • 1392

    Chaucer's poem

    Chaucer's poem
    Chaucer wrote a poem of the stories collected and told by 29 pilgrims going to the tomb of St. Thomas Beckett in Canterbury, England. He names his poem The Canterbury Tales. After an argument over power St. Thomas Beckett was murdered by his followers of King Henry II.
  • 1400

    The medieval Catholic church

    The medieval Catholic church
    Before the Reformation, all Christians living in Western Europe were part of the Roman Catholic Church. It was lead by the pope mostly based in Rome. The church was very rich and powerful.
  • 1400

    Life during the renaissance

    Life during the renaissance
    Trade, enabled a mixture of goods to travel from place to place. Trade helped influence a great number of people during the renaissance time. A trade center was located in Florence.
  • 1400


    Banking during the renaissance the so-called banking system was invented. The most famous Italian bank was the Medici bank. The baking system spread to parts of Italy, Florence, Venice, and Genao.
  • 1405

    Christine de Pizan's poem

    Christine de Pizan's poem
    Christine de Pizan wrote a poem that not only made women seem powerful. He argued that women would be just as intelligent and successful as men. But they didn't have the same educational opportunities as men.
  • 1440

    printing Press

    printing Press
    By 1500 there were printing presses throughout Europe. The printing press allowed for information to be distributed to a wide audience. This helped to spread new scientific discoveries as well, allowing scientists to share their works and learn from each other.
  • May 21, 1471

    Albrecht Durer

    Albrecht Durer
    Throughout his life, he was trying to grasp the idea that the perfect human corresponded to a system of proportion and measurements and could be generated by using such a system. He wrote several books classifying his theories near the end of his life. Just after his death, Vier Bücher published four books of human proportion.
  • 1473

    Scientific Method

    Scientific Method
    The Scientific Method was further developed during the Renaissance. Galileo used controlled experiments and analyzed data to prove or disprove, his theories. The process was later refined by scientists such as Francis Bacon and Isaac Newton.
  • Nov 10, 1483

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Luther spent his early years in relative anonymity as a monk and scholar. But in 1517 Luther penned a document attacking the Catholic Church’s corrupt practice of selling “indulgences” to absolve sin. His 95 theses stated that there were two central beliefs that the Bible is the central religious authority and that humans may reach salvation only by their faith and not by their deeds.
  • 1492

    New Worlds

    New Worlds
    In 1492, the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus landed in the Bahamas while seeking a westward passage to Asia. Throughout the 16th century, maritime powers such as Spain, Portugal and later England battled for control of what became America and the West Indies. with new wealth flowing into major population centers and exotic goods such as silk and spices were available for the first time.
  • 1498

    The last Supper

    The last Supper
    The last supper was established by Jesus Christ to his 12 disciples in an upper room of a house in Jerusalem. Jesus was very deliberate about the time that he wanted to do this because it had to be done close to his crucifixion. It is important to notice that this was a very thrilling moment in time, he was dealing with two different scenarios. One scenario was the symbolism of the bread and the cup as his own flesh and blood and the other was a scenario of betrayal.
  • 1503

    Mona Lisa

    Mona Lisa
    This portrait may have been painted for one of two events, either when Francesco del Giocondo and his wife bought their own house in 1503. Or when there second son Andrea, was born in December 1502 after the death of a daughter in 1499. The fragile dark veil that covers Mona Lisa's hair is sometimes considered a mourning veil.
  • 1507

    Adam and Eve

    Adam and Eve
    Albrecht Dürer's engraving Adam and Eve exhibit the extraordinary detail and tonal range of which he was capable of. Other than the sharpness of the forest the two figures appear nude, and they stand in a position that is the same as where they are both shifted onto putting all their weight on one foot. The naturalizing contrapposto clashing with the artificiality of the rest of the pose establishes a pattern of contradictions that run throughout the painting.
  • 1509

    The School of Athens

    The School of Athens
    This school represents all the greatest mathematicians, philosophers and scientists from great age. They are all gathered together sharing their ideas but not only that, but they are also learning from each other. The figures have all lived at different times but they are all gathered under one roof.
  • 1517

    The Reformation

    The Reformation
    When a betrayed German friar called Martin Luther, horrified by corruption in the Church, launched a protest movement against Catholic teachings. Luther argued that the Church had too much power and needed to be reformed, and promoted a theology that stressed a more direct relationship between believers and God. Another thought that he thought about was that the bible should not just be written in Latin, spoken by the elite, but written in other languages for people to read for themselves.
  • 1517

    95 theses were posted

    95 theses were posted
    In 1517, in one of the signal events of western history, Martin Luther, a German Augustinian monk, posted 95 theses on the church door in the university town of Wittenberg. That act was common academic practice of the day and served as an invitation to debate. Luther’s propositions challenged some portions of Roman Catholic doctrine and a number of specific practices.
  • 1517

    The Luther reformation

    The Luther reformation
    His answers were justification through faith and salvation through grace. On this basis, Martin Luther created theological works with the Bible as a reference. Thanks to the political support of the Prince Elector of Saxony, Frederick the Wise, he carried out a reformation and organized a new Church in Germany.
  • 1517

    The Catholic Church before Luther

    The Catholic Church before Luther
    In order to understand Luther, you have to understand how the church was run in medieval times. How it was structured, what it did, and why so many people wanted to reform it. The Christian Church had broken into two major parts the Eastern churches, often referred to as the Orthodox, and the Western church, known as the Catholic or Roman church. The Eastern branch of Christianity did not experience the Reformation that was only the Western Branch that experienced reformation.
  • 1534

    Reformation in England

    Reformation in England
    Protestant ideas arrived in England during Henry VIII’s reign through links with Europe, through trade or politics. The first English Bibles began to appear. However, Henry expressed complete disapproval of, Protestant beliefs and, where he could, destroyed copies of the English Bible. Defender of the Faith is what the pope called him but that all changed when he wanted a divorce.
  • 1556

    Mechanical Clock

    Mechanical Clock
    The earliest designs of mechanical clock incorporated a drum which contained mercury; the drum was driven by means of weights. Measuring a day's time in a 24-hour cycle became possible after the invention of the mechanical clock. In 1656, a pendulum clock was made by Christian Huygens.
  • Microscopes/Telescopes/Eyeglasses

    Both the microscope and the telescope were invented during the Renaissance. This was due to improvements in making lenses. These improved lenses also helped with making eyeglasses, which would be needed with the invention of the printing press and more people reading.
  • Submarine

    Cornelius van Drebbel was the one who successfully developed the submarine in 1624. It was tested in the river Thames and remained submerged under water for about 3 hours. Cornelius van Drebbel was the one who successfully developed the submarine in 1624. It was tested in the river Thames and remained submerged under water for about 3 hours.