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Renaissance and Reformation

  • Aug 11, 1321

    Dante writes the Divine Comedy

    Dante writes the Divine Comedy
    Dante Alighieri (1265–1321) writes the book the Divine Comedy which tells the story Dante's travels through the Inferno (Hell), Purgatory, and Paradise (Heaven).
    '' -Nick G.
    -Lance T.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1350 to Jan 1, 1550


  • Oct 25, 1400

    Chaucer writes The Canterbury Tales

    Chaucer writes The Canterbury Tales</a> Chaucer was born 1340 in London, England.In 1357 he became a public servant to Countess Elizabeth of Ulster. He continued to work as a public servant to the British court throughout his lifetime. The Canterbury Tales became his best known and most acclaimed work.The book intended to have 120 tales but ended with 24. It was mainly written to satirize/attack the then-corrupt Catholic Church.
  • Feb 25, 1440

    Gutenburg Prints the First Bible: The Printing Press

    Gutenburg Prints the First Bible: The Printing Press
    Johann Gutenberg invents the printing press in 1440 and prints The Bible in 1444; making it the first book printed in volume. If a single Gutenberg Bible were to be sold today, it would be worth over $100 million, and a single two-sided sheet of paper would be worth about $100,000!
  • Jun 23, 1473

    Michelangelo paints Sistine Chapel

    Michelangelo paints Sistine Chapel
    Sistine Chapel Tour In 1473 Michelangelo was ordered by Pope Julius II to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel; which is located in Vatican City. It was named after the Pope Sixtus IV. Michelangelo became blind while painting it. And after he finished, he wrote a poem about his misery when he painted it.
  • Jan 1, 1490

    High Renaissance

    High Renaissance
    The High Renaissance is the time period where art flourished in Europe.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Italian Renaissance Begins

    Italian Renaissance Begins
    The Renaissance was a rebirth of Greek and Roman arts and the classics in Europe after the plague. We are going to specifically talk about the Renaissance in italy. The Renaissance in Italy saw new ideas such as humanism and secularism and a focus on humans and the arts. Many painters, sculptors, and other artists flourished during this time.
    Italion Renaissance Game
  • Jan 1, 1506

    Da Vinci paints Mona Lisa

    Da Vinci paints Mona Lisa
    Interactive Mona Lisa Site Leonardo Da Vinci was a Renaissance Man who painted the Mona Lisa. It is now one of the most famous paintings known around the world.
  • Jan 1, 1509

    Erasmus writes The Praise of Folly

    Erasmus writes The Praise of Folly
    Video Link Quiz Game
    Erasmus wrote The Prasie of Folly in the yaer 1509. It was printed in 1511. Letter from Erasmus to his good friend Sir Thomas More. He writes that he was on the road from Italy to England and, rather than waste his time with idle chatter and gossip, he preferred to muse upon his friendship with More. He then decided that he would occupy his time writing a praise of folly.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Luther posts 95 Theses on Church

    Luther posts 95 Theses on Church
    Martin Luther sparked the Protestant Reformation when in 1517 he wrote his 95 Theses, which criticized central aspects of the Catholic Church's teachings. Protestant Reformation decreased the power of Catholic Church in Europe.
    Movie fragment
    Website about Martin Luther
  • Dec 16, 1532

    Machiavelli writes The Prince.

    Machiavelli writes The Prince. Machiavelli was the author of The Prince. In this piece of literature, he presents his ideas on how a leader should be. He believed that a good leader should be assertive and do anything to obtain power even if it means tearing down others.
  • May 1, 1533

    King Henry VIII divorces 1st wife!

    King Henry VIII divorces 1st wife!
    King Henry VIII's Heads and Hearts King Henry VIII divorced his first wife Catherine of Aragon. This caused a disturbance in the Catholic chruch. In an end result, King Henry created his own religion, Anglican. Not only did it make a lot oof citizen happy, but it also allowed him to marry and divorce whoever he wants. King Henry married six times and had three children.
  • Jan 1, 1536

    Calvn spreads ideas about Predestination

    Calvn spreads ideas about Predestination
    Biography on John CalvinCalvin emphesized the all-power nature of god which led him to his most famous idea, predestination. This meant that god in advance decided who would be saved (salvation) and who would be damned (destruction) in advance to their death. People who believe Calvin became calvinists which later on became a dynamic and activist faith.He also reformed the city of Geneva and because of this, Calvinism spreded throughout Europe, replacing Lutheranism by the mid-sixteenth century.
  • Shakespeare writes Romeo & Juliet

    Shakespeare writes Romeo & Juliet
    In 1597 published his work of the play Romeo and Juliet.