Jan 1, 1300
The oldest surviving mechanical clocks
(Photo Caption: An example of a mercury clock)
In the early 1300s, Ibn Khalafa al-Muradi invented the first mercury powered clock. Later Galileo Gallilei invented pendulum clock which makes the time that the clock shows more accurately. Clocks were designed to help us indicate the time of the day and date.
The clock is significant because it helps us to know the time of the day. It also helps us organize our schedule because we can plan the time we are doing certain stuff easily. -
Jan 1, 1300
Clocks Contiuned Continued...
Clocks makes our lives a lot easier because it tells us when to do stuff, when something is going to finish, when something is going to start, when something is going to happen etc. When Khalafa al-Muradi invented the first mechanical clock, it changed our lives completely, by letting us know how much time we have left of daylight, and it can help organize our daily schedule. If we didn't have time when we were at school, we wouldn't know when it was break, lunch, or time to switch classes. -
Period: Jan 1, 1300 to
Key Events, Beliefs, Inventions and Ideas During the Renaissance
Renaissance is the French word for "rebirth" meaning the rebirth of knowledge that was forgotten during the middle ages, the knowledge of the Greeks and the Romans that were kept by the muslins during the time at which the Greeks and Roman empires ended till the middle ages ended. The kinowledge was brought back to Europe during the crusades. -
Jan 1, 1308
Dante's Inferno
(Photo Caption: Dante's 6th Circle entitled the Heretics.)
Inferno is the first part of Dante Alighieri's epic poem Divine Comedy. It is an allegory telling the journey of Dante through his concept of hell or how he thinks hell is. He is guided by the roman poet Virgil and they journey through the 9 circles of hell.
The Inferno is significant to our world today because it shaped the way people thought of hell as, how it looked, what is inside and the feeling and atmosphere. -
Jan 2, 1308
Dante Continued...
Without Dante we wouldn't have devils like the one in Tom and Jerry, an idea as to what hell is like and an idea as to how it felt like to be in hell. -
Jan 1, 1348
The Black Death hits Europe
(Photo Caption: The deadly effects of the Black death)
The black death was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history.
What made the black death significant was that it killed about 30-60 percent of Europe's population and reducing the world's population at that time from an estimated 450 million people to between 350 to 375 million. The black death changed the face of the world forever. At that time medication was not so good as nowadays. -
Period: Oct 1, 1348 to Dec 31, 1350
Black Death hit Europe and peaks
Oct 17, 1348
Black Death Continued...
Nobody, not even the doctors had knowledge as to what caused the plague and how to stop it from spreading. The cures proved to cause even more harm than good. People thought that by letting a person bleed a lot the sickness would be bled out of them, however this did not help cure anything and resulted in pain. Charms and herbs also did no good too but was no harm. More importantly people were unaware of personal hygiene such as washing their hands, showering or properly disposing human waste. -
Oct 17, 1349
Black Death 3,,,
People rejected authority of the church and class hierarchies began to break down. So many people died that there hardly any people working in the fields or working because people were extremely scared.The black death taught us as humans an important lesson whether it is washing your hands, showering and the medical remedies that clearly did not work. Scientists have developed cures for this deadly disease and investigated on this disease. -
Oct 17, 1350
Black Death 4...
The black death outlined an important time period of pain, sorrow and above all death. Without the black death would people still care as much about hygiene as nowadays or not I don’t know but it clearly shaped the way people think and believe about these factors. -
Jan 1, 1413
Filippo Brunelleschi invents Linear Perspective
(Caption: daVinci's Last Supper painting shows a great example of Linear Perspective.)
Linear perspective is a mathematical system for creating the illusion of space and distance on a flat surface used commonly in art.
Linear perspective is significant because it made painters look at art differently from before. Pre, renaissance or during the middle ages art was dependent on Christ and Christianity. -
Oct 17, 1413
Linera Perspective continued..
There weren't many artistic techniques for the painters to use so art was kind of dull. Famous artists during the renaissance period all used linear perspective such as da Vinci, Michelangelo and many more. Without the invention of linear perspective earth would not have seen artistic masterpieces like the Last Supper, the Creation of Adam and most importantly Mona Lisa. -
Oct 17, 1413
Linear Perspective 3...
Linear perspective changed art forever and for years to come with the illusions of the paintings and how interesting they look to the audience. Linear perspective helped solved art. During the middle ages where art was dull, boring and not interesting, linear perspective gave art a different perspective a more interesting and artistic. Without linear perspective who knows how art would become nowadays would art still be influenced by Christianity, boring to viewers or would art even come alive -
Jan 1, 1454
Printing Press 3 ...
The printing press shows an example of human ingenuity because before the printing press people had to handwrite books, by doing so it takes a really long time Johan Gutenberg's solved all the problems because with his invention we can print books easily and it made books more popular. -
Jan 1, 1454
Johan Gutenberg Invents the Printing Press
(Caption: A photo of a printing press)
The printing press was invented by Johan Gutenberg in the year 1454. The printing press is a machine used to make many copies of identical pages.
The printing press is significant because it publishes book faster with out handwriting them. It made books the database of knowledge. With this invention ideas can be shared, knowledge can spread around the world easily, people was able to get knowledge with out even finding out themself. -
Jan 1, 1454
Printing Press Continued...
This invention changed the world because before if you wanted to share knowledge you would have teach it directly to people but with this invention people can now read from books and can gain knowledge easily. This is important to nowadays because if there were no printing press we wouldn't be library full of books and knowledge because it would take really long to handwrite all the stuff. -
Jan 1, 1492
Colombus Continued...
The discovery of the new world is arguably one of the most important voyages in history because without it we might not have a team like the New York Yankees or the LA Lakers, important figures throughout the American history but most importantly America and its surrounding countries. It shaped the way European's thought of the world and how big it actually is in which Columbus at first thought the world was a way smaller place. -
Jan 1, 1492
Colombus Continued 3...
How Spain took over their land clearly showed the way Europeans took care of strangers even if they are peaceful like the Indians were. It showed us the negatives and positives of colonization and the personalities of Columbus.
The voyage solved Columbus's idea that if he traveled west they would reach Asia as it would be an easier route. In which he saw the Indians but more importantly it helped us know that the world is a bigger place than we first imagined it to be. But not to forget America -
Jan 1, 1492
Colombus discovers the "New World"
(Photo Caption: A painting showing Christopher Colombus and his crew arrriving at the States.)
The New world is one of the names used for the western hemisphere. The term began when America had been recently discovered by European explorers led by Christopher Columbus expanding the geographical horizon of the people of Europe at the time. The Europeans at the time had thought that the world consisted of only Africa, Asia and Europe. -
Jan 1, 1504
Leonardo da Vinci paints Mona Lisa
(Photo Caption: daVinci's Mona Lisa)
Mona Lisa is arguably the most famous painting in the world.
Mona Lisa is significant because it changed the artistic world forever. It not only was the highlight of the renaissance period where art completely rebounded from the middle ages. Not only was it famous but why it is so famous is also debated. The smile of Mona Lisa is so interesting that people would die to go and see the painting. At least once in their lives. -
Jan 1, 1504
Mona Lisa continued...
The concept of linear perspective clearly helped out with the background of the painting. Not only did it change art but it changed the world. When one thinks about art the first thing many people would think of is Mona Lisa. It helped art reborn back and helped shape the world greatly. -
Jan 1, 1513
Niccolò Machiavelli writes The Prince
(Photo caption: The cover of The Prince)
The Prince is a book written by the Italian diplomat, historian and political theorist Niccolo Machiavelli. The book talks about politics and government. During his life, Machiavelli saw many changes in the government of Florence. He thought a lot about what a king or prince should do to make a strong government. In this book he said the ruler had to get a lot of power. -
Jan 1, 1513
Machiavelli Continued...
One of the main questions discussed in the book is " is it better for a Prince to be feared or to be loved?" In which Machiavelli thinks it is better to be feared.
This book is significant because it gave governments are different way of ruling and it is also very controversial. Some people think that Machiavelli was being honest with his advice and saying what he really thought yet some people thought he was playing a joke on princes. -
Jan 1, 1513
Machiavelli 4...
Whether it is feared or loved one has to say the involvement of Machiavelli in terms of politics has helped politics greatly. -
Jan 1, 1513
Machiavelli 3...
Machiavelli thinks that by being feared leaders can order people to do things easier and that ruling would be easier and things would be done faster. Some people think that by being loved people would like the leader more and so on. Machiavelli's ideas and beliefs gave us a different perspective in terms of ruling a country or a city and is a major talking point at that time and still till now. Some people think that it is better to be feared and some think it is better to be loved. -
Flushing Toilet continued...
but if we didn't have one we would have to dispose our waste in an outhouse where we would have to walk there and back. This invention also changed the house design because when it was invented people will have to make a room for toilet in the house. The flush toilet shows an example of human ingenuity because people wouldn't have to walk to an outhouse and walk back and because sometimes it could be raining etc. but with this invention we could dispose our waste almost anytime we want. -
Sir John Harrington invents the Flushing Toilet
(Photo Caption: A 19th Century flushing toilet.)
The flush toilet was invented by Sir John Harrington in the year 1589. The flush toilet is used to dispose human waste through pipes then to the sewage.
The flush toilet is significant because it allowed people to have a toilet in their house and didn't have to go outside to dispose their waste. The flush toilet changed the way people live today because nowadays people have a toilet in their house, -
Naresuan continued...
Thailand wouldn't be the Thailand we know of today.
King Naresuan changed the face of Thailand forever with his heroics he saved Thailand from the toughest of times and gave Thailand another hope. We as Thai's respect and adore him all the time and look back at what he has done to Thailand. -
King Naresuan helped Thailand gain independence from the Burmese
(Photo Caption: A statue of king Naresuan.)
King Naresuan is one of Thailand's most respected and honored monarches and is known for his campaigns to free Thailand from the Burmese.
He is significant because without him Thailand would still be under Burmese rule and the cultures and traditions of Thailand would disperse . Thailand wouldn't have been the Thailand today, Bangkok would be under Burmese rule and pretty much everything that is here in Thailand right now might be changed, -
Thermometer Continued...
This invention had a big impact to the world because it leads to many other invention like air-conditioner, boiler, heater and many more. It also leads to many theory like the burning point, freezing point, expiration of food, spreading of bacteria and many more. This invention shows a example of human ingenuity because it gave us the opportunity to know the temperature of a place and other uses as outlined in the paragraph above. -
Gallileo invents the Thermometer
(Photo Caption: An example of a thermometer)
The thermometer is a tool used for measuring the variation of the temperature.
The thermometer is significant because it allowed people to know the temperature in certain place and allow people to predict the weather. When we cook food the thermometer helps us indicate the temperature which makes us know that its ready or not. The thermometer helps indicate and predict many things like food recipe, weather, science experiment, procedure, AC etc. -
Hans Lippershey invents the telescope
(Photo Caption: An example of a telescope.)
The telescope is an important tool for astronomy that gathers and focuses light and makes us be able to see far away things look bigger and closer. Hans Lippershey was the person who created the telescope but it was Galileo who used it for astronomy.
Without the telescope Galileo wouldn't have been able to see the moon and know that the world was not the center of everything and that earth was revolving around the sun. -
Telescope continued...
All the knowledge on space wouldn't have gone this far and who knows would Galileo's name even be heard? The telescope changed the way we thought of space and the mysteries that we had no idea about, the moons, the sun, other planets and many more.This invention solved a lot of the mysteries that we wanted to know about the galaxy, solar system, how planets work and many more. Without this I'm pretty sure we wouldn't have NASA. -
Submarines continued...
The submarine also inspired a lot of transportations like the battleship, marine cars and many more. The submarine is an example of human ingenuity because before it was invented people couldn't explore under water and it made people curious of what is in the water. Cornelius's invention made it possible for human to explore the marine life. -
Cornelius van Drebbel invents the Submarine
(Photo Caption: A rough scratch of the submarine.)
A submarine is boat that can travel underwater. Cornelius's submarine can travel about 15 feet under water.
The submarine is significant because it allows people to explore the underwater life. It made people know more about the marine life and the eco systems. The submarine changed the world because the knowledge people gain from exploring the marine life help influence many invention and technologies like swimsuits, goggles, fins, rudders etc.