

By Elida
  • Mar 7, 1300


    Galileo was an italian scientist who discovered the pendulum. A clock/pendelum is a machine that keeps track of time.The oldest clocks found are from the 1300. The discovery of the clocks are significant because it help people be able to tell the time more accurately than before. Because before, in the renaissance time, people were able to find out a not so acurate time by looking at the sun. But now it's much easier to keep track of time.
  • Mar 7, 1300

    Dry Compass continiue

    Dry Compass continiue
    The dry compass is significant because for example fishermen who are going fishing can now find the direction that they have to travel to. Also scuba divers can also find the right direction
  • Mar 7, 1300

    The Eye Glass Caption

    The Eye Glass Caption
    On this photo you can see that there is two circles stuck together with lenses inside them. They are not as new as today glasses because firstly they look big and heavy, but also secondly they do not have the earhooks.
  • Mar 7, 1300

    Dry Compass Caption

    Dry Compass Caption
    On this photo you can see a dry compass from the 1570th.
  • Mar 7, 1300

    The Clock Caption

    The Clock Caption
    On this photo you can see a man standng next to a huge machine. It is a clock which huge trendal wheels.
  • Mar 7, 1300

    The Clock continiue

    The Clock continiue
    Its and example of human ingenuity because before we were not able to tell the time accurately, but now we can have meetings at a spesific times, be at school in time and it has made our lives much easier.
  • Mar 7, 1300

    Eye glass

    Eye glass
    With the invention of the printing press it was more need for having glasses. Far-sighted eyeglasses (for reading) were made first. Near-sightedness has later been able to be corrected. Eyeglasses are significant because we can now see much better and people with eyesight problems can now be cured. Its an example of human ingenuity because without the eyeglasses people who could not see would have a serious problem.
  • Mar 7, 1300

    Dry Compass

    Dry Compass
    The dry mariner's compass consists of three elements: A freely pivoting needle on a pin enclosed in a little box with a glass cover and a wind rose, whereby the wind rose or compass card is attached to a magnetized needle in such a manner that when placed on a pivot in a box fastened in line with the keel of the ship The card would turn as the ship changed direction, indicating always what course the ship was on. Later, compasses were often fitted into a gimbal mounting to reduce grounding.
  • Mar 7, 1348

    The black death Caption

    The black death Caption
    On this photo you can see two people lying down in a bed. They are clearly sick and they are dying. They also have dots and bumps all over their body. This is the effect of the black death.
  • Mar 7, 1348

    The black Death continiue

    The black Death continiue
    The black death is an example of human ingenuity because after the black death we now know about this problem and scientist's could find cures. Also it has helped us improved our skill in doctoring. I personally do not like this even because so many lives were lost. But in another, kind of mean way It took 150 years for Europe's population to recover. This might also have been a good thing, because think about how many people there would be in todays world if there had been no disease.
  • Mar 7, 1348

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    The black death was one of the most devastating deseases in the whole Europe. The domaint explanation of the Black death is that a bacteria called Yersinia pestis spread around. The black death is estimated to have reduced the worlds population by 350 and 375 million in the 14th century. I think that the black death is significant because .
  • Mar 7, 1436

    Printing press

    Printing press
    Johannes Gutenberg was a german, he invented the printing press. Johannes Gutenberg was also a goldsmith.Printing press is a mecanical devise which uses ink and movable type to make manuscripts that can be copied.
  • Mar 7, 1436

    Printing Press continue

    Printing Press continue
    Printing press is signtific because before monks and other people had to hand copy books such as the bible, And it could take months and even years to finish these book. This made the books very expencive and only rich people could by the books and get well educated. The printing press is an example of human ingenuety because now you use less effort of making a book and it's a lot cheaper.
  • Mar 7, 1436

    Printing press continue continue

    Printing press continue continue
    I am very thankful for the printing press because my hands would be dead by now if i had to hand write everything i ever wrote. I would not have had the same education as i now have.
  • Oct 18, 1436

    Printing Press Caption

    Printing Press Caption
    This is a photo of one of the first machines used for printing ever made. As you can see it's made out of wood and its gigantic and does probably not work as fast as todays printing machines.
  • Period: Mar 7, 1451 to Mar 7, 1506

    Christopher columbus

    Christopher Colombus was a navigator, explorer and a colonizer. Christopher was the man who was travelling to india, but without purpose he came to america. He was the first european man to explore America. The discovery of America doesn't matter that much, it was the colonization that mattered. Christopher columbuses colonasation was significant because it has changed amaerica a lot over time.
  • Mar 7, 1500

    The Musket

    The Musket
    The musket was developed in Spain.The musket was an unstable rifle that was very hard to use and wight 40 pounds. It would fire a small metal ball, and it was able to seriously hurt and even kill someone. The musket is significant because . The musket is an example of human ingenuity because in wars you can shoot people and defend your country.
  • Mar 7, 1500

    The musket continue

    The musket continue
    I personally do not like this invention because without it we wouldn't have developed into making guns, rifles and etc. Without all those machines there wouldn't have been all this killing and wars.
  • Mar 7, 1500

    The Musket Caption

    The Musket Caption
    In this photo you can see that there is a man holding a something that looks like a long stick. The "Stick" that he is holding is a musket. As you can see the musket is very big and very long. It alos looks very heavy compared to the tiny guns that we have nowadays.
  • Flush toilet

    Flush toilet
    The flush toilet was invented by John Harington. The flush toilet is used to flush down all the human waste. It's significant because after the invention of the flush toilet people could go to the toilet in their own house, without having to run to a public toilet..
  • The Flush toilet Caption

    The Flush toilet Caption
    In this foto you can see something that kind of looks like a toilet. This was how the first flush toilets looked like. I was just a big bowl conected to some pipes and something like a small button or a string to pull for flushing.
  • Flush toilet continue

    Flush toilet continue
    The flush toilet is an example of human enginuity because without the toilet we would have to run to to the public toilet. It's a problem because say it's snowing and the toilet is far and its freezing cold outside you could get sick. I think this invention was very important and without it i wouldn't have the same life. I would probably have had a shorter lifespan, because i would easily have been sick.
  • The Termometer Caption

    This is a quite blurry photo, but it's supposed to show one of the first thermometers ever made. The thermometer used a material that somehow changes when it was hot or cold.
  • Thermometer

    A thermometer is a device that is used to measure the temperature of something. The thermometer was invented by Galileo Galilei. I think the thermometer is significant because people can now figure out the temperature of something. For example when people in todays world might use thermometers for cooking. This has made our lives easier.
  • Galileo Galilei continiue

    Galileo Galilei continiue
    Galileo Galilei has changed our world because whitout his improvments on the telescope we would not have been able to explore the universe like we are today. We would not have been able to do stuff like travel to the moon and explore the universe.
  • Galileo Galilei Caption

    Galileo Galilei Caption
    In this photo you can see the phases of Venus which Galileo Galilei discovered with his improved telescope.
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo  Galilei
    Galileo Galilei was referred to, in his day, as the father of modern astronomy, physics and science by various academics. He also improved the telescope. The telescope already excistet, but Galileo improved it so much that you could actuallly start observing the sky with it. This invention is significant because with the telescope we now know that the earth and other planets evolve around the sun. Galileo Gaililei proved to people that the sun was in the middle of the universe.
  • The Submarine continiue

    The Submarine continiue
    I think the submarine is signficant because now we can explore the underwater world. Its an example of human ingenuity because since we can explore the underwater world and find out about different fishes. We learned about how to make medicine and dangourus underwater creatures we should be care full with.
  • The Submarine Caption

    The Submarine Caption
    Here you can see a foto of an old submarine, its probably not the oldest one but it is very old. You can see that a big difference between todays submarine and an old submarine is that they where made out of wood. Another difference is that on that foto the submarine has oars and nowadays submarines have a motor.
  • The Submarine

    The Submarine
    The first drawing ever made of a submarine was made by Leonardo da Vinci, Leonardo did not want wars to become more terifying than they already were so he kept his drawings to himself. In 1620 Cornelis Drebbel, a Dutch inventor, built a leather covered rowboat with oars. The oars came out through watertight seals. Twelve people could ride in the submarine. Drebbel was an engineer who worked for the British navy. Drebbel was the first to discuss the problem of air replenishment while the submarin
  • Adding Machine

    Adding Machine
    Blaise Pascal was a french scientist who is credited with the invention of the adding machine. He invented a numerical wheel calculator called the Pascaline, to help his father count taxes. The Adding Machine is significant because it helped us add and it maked it easier for us to have jobs such as counting taxes. It is an example of human ingenuity because if we didn't have the adding machine we whould probably still be counting with our fingers and carving numbers into stones.
  • The Adding Machine Caption

    The Adding Machine Caption
    In this picture you can see the adding machine like it was back then. It had different number that would show up in the small sqares.