Time each flight took off
1st Flight: 92 people aboard an American Airline flight 11 departed at 7:59, leaving Boston Logan International Airport, heading to Los Angeles.
2nd Flight: A United Airlines, flight 175 took off at 8:14 am. This Boeing 767 had 65 people aboard and was also going to Los Angeles from Boston. -
Time each Flight Took off (continued)
3rd Flight: Another American Airlines plane, flight 77 departed at 8:20 am. 64 people were aboard this Boeing 757, going to Los Angeles from the Dulles International Airport near Washington D.C
4th Flight: United Airlines, flight 93 took off at 8:41 am, it had 44 people aboard and was leaving Newark International Airport, heading to San Francisco. -
Time Each Plane Crashed & Their Location
1st Plane: Flight 11, hijacked by Mohammed Atta, crashed first into floors 93-99 of the North Tower at 8:46 am.
2nd Plane: Flight 175 crashed into floors 75-85 of the South Tower at 9:03.
3rd Plane: At 9:37, Flight 77 crashed into the western facade of the Washington D.C Pentagon.
4th Plane: Flight 93 crashed plane into a field Somerset County, Pennsylvania at 10:07. -
Distress Calls
At 8:19, flight attendents and crew members on Flight 11 warn personell on the ground about the hijacked plane. At 10:07, crew members and passengers on Flight 93 contacted friends and family to tell them about the hijacking and attacks in New York -
Collapses of North Tower of the World Trade Center
The North Tower of the WTC collapsed at 10:28 am. It only took 102 minutes for it to fall after being hit by Flight 11, it is famously known as the "102 minutes." -
Collapsing of the South Tower
The South Tower of the WTC went down 9:59 am, approximately 14 minutes before this, the White House and the U.S Capitol was evacuated due to rumors of more attacks. -
President Bush becomes informed of the attacks
White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card told President George W. Bush that a plane had hit the World Trade Center at 8:50 am. -
Grounding All U.S Flights
All flights flying over the continental United States were grounded, this was the first time something like this had ever happened. 1,200-3,300 total flights told to go to Canada and U.S airports in those next 2 and a half hours. -
Addressing America
At 1 pm, President Bush announces U.S forces are on high alert due to what happened earlier that day, he said this from an Air Force Base in Louisiana. The U.S Navy send off missile destroyers to Washington D.C and New York. -
Declaring War...
The same day as the attack, at 8:30 pm President Bush announces to the nation that the attacks were "evil, despicable acts of terror" and he then declared that America and its allies will be fighting against terror together as one, and will win the fight. -
The Bull Horn Speech by President Bush
This speech was Presidents Bush's way of telling the rescue workers how much he appreciated their help for all the lives that were lost and the workers and families who lost loved ones. He told the speech casually with a bull horn which made it seem more casual and sentimental towards the workers as he said it with his arm around one of the workers.