Remembering September 11th

  • First Plane Takes Off

    First Plane Takes Off
    7:59 am – American Airlines Flight 11, takes off from Boston’s Logan International Airport en route to Los Angeles.
  • Second Plane Takes Off

    Second Plane Takes Off
    8:14 am – United Airlines Flight 175, takes off from Boston; it is also headed to Los Angeles.
  • Third Plane Takes Off

    Third Plane Takes Off
    8:20 am – American Airlines Flight 77 takes off from Dulles International Airport outside of Washington, D.C. and is headed to Los Angeles.
  • Distress calls from planes

    Distress calls from planes
    Plane Hijacker, Mohammed Atta, makes the first of two accidental transmissions from Flight 11 to ground control (apparently in an attempt to communicate with the plane’s cabin).
  • First Plane Crashes

    First Plane Crashes
    8:46 am – Mohammed Atta and the other hijackers aboard American Airlines Flight 11 crash the plane into the North Tower of the World Trade Center, killing everyone on board and hundreds inside the building.
  • President Bush is informed of the Attacks

    President Bush is informed of the Attacks
    8:50 am – White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card alerts President George W. Bush that a plane has hit the World Trade Center.
  • Second Plane Crashes

    Second Plane Crashes
    9:03 am – Hijackers crash United Airlines Flight 175 into the WTC South Tower, killing everyone on board and hundreds inside the building
  • All flights grounded

    All flights grounded
    9:08 am – The FAA bans all takeoffs of flights going to New York City or through the airspace around the city.
  • South Tower Falls

    South Tower Falls
    9:59 am – The South Tower of the World Trade Center collapses.
  • North Tower Falls

    North Tower Falls
    10:28 am – The World Trade Center’s North Tower collapses, 102 minutes after being struck by Flight 11.
  • President Bush Addresses the nation

    President Bush Addresses the nation
    8:30 pm – President Bush addresses the nation,and declared that America, its friends and allies would “stand together to win the war against terrorism.”
  • BullHorn Speech

    BullHorn Speech
    Bush flies to New York and gives his BullHorn speech. "I can hear you!" he declared. "The rest of the world hears you! And the people – and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon."
  • President Bush declares war on Terror

    President Bush declares war on Terror
    President Bush declares war on Terror, which is in Iraq and Afghanistan.