Remember the tians

Remember The Titian's

  • Montgomery bus boycott

    Montgomery bus boycott
    blacks started walking instead of riding the bus bc they didn't wanna sit in the all black section.. dr king helped start the bus boycott that lasted over a year and put financial pressure on the city
  • Double vs.Campaign

    Double vs.Campaign
    Philip Randolph & the desegregation of federal work contracts - desegregation workplace, executive 8802
  • MLK Philosophy

    MLK Philosophy
    A known leader of the civil rights movement. he has numerous protest all of which he insisted to be nonviolent. started SCLC - an organization that led to non violent protest, boycotts, and marches
  • Ole Miss Crisis

    Ole Miss Crisis
    James Meredith was given the right to be the 1st black student at ole miss. the first day he attended school there was a riot on campus and JFK had to send federal marshals to escort Meredith to class
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    over a half million civil rights supporters went to Washington to put pressure on Congress to support civil rights law