Religious influences on colonization

  • Maryland was second chesapeak colony

    was a Massive land grant to a single person named cecilist calvert. wanted to turn maryland into a medevil feudal kingdom to benifit himself and was not a fam of representitive institutions. Also, Catholics were welcomed in Maryland because Cecilist was Catholic.
  • Religious revival

    Celebrating mass in an army camp
  • Missionaries in the phillines helping with education

    educating the filipenos on the american tradition
  • Anti Evolution league

    religious fundamentalism. People did not like evolution controdicting their beliefs being taught in public schools and they choose to protest
  • Cantwell vs. connecticut

    limit of state and government laws that infringed upon religion
  • free exercise clause

    exemption from generally applicable laws
  • wisconsin vs. yoder

    amish families could not be punished for not sending their kids to school past age 14
  • Employment division vs. smith

    "by virtue of his beliefs, to become a law unto himself."
  • Who gets to work at aberconobie

    the year that the 17 yearold muslum women was denied a job at a childrens aberconobie store because she wore a head scarf symbolizing her religon.
  • Burnwell vs. Hobby Lobby stores inc.

    controseptive mandate excused in medical insurence