Religion summative

  • Period: 2000 BCE to 1001 BCE

    Moses writing the Torah

    Some time in the 2nd millennium BCE
  • Period: 1813 BCE to 1638 BCE


    Creator of Judaism
  • 570

    Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Allah's birth

    Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Allah's birth
  • Dec 22, 609

    The quran’an was written

    The quran’an was written
  • 632

    Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Allah's death

    Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Allah's death
    He fell ill and unfortunately passed away
  • Apr 15, 1469

    Guru Nanak's birth

    Guru Nanak's birth
    He is the founder of Sikhism
  • 1539

    Guru Nanak's death

    Guru Nanak's death
  • Mahatma Gandhi's birth

    Mahatma Gandhi's birth
    He was born as the youngest son in a town in the west of India.
  • Native American Church become formally established

    Native American Church become formally established
  • Mahatma Gandhi's death

    Mahatma Gandhi's death
    Died by assassination
  • Last Residential School closes

    Last Residential School closes
    The last residential school located in Punnichy, Saskatchewan, closed in 1996
  • Elephant Festival (Buddhism)

    Elephant Festival (Buddhism)
    Happens in February or March. It's held to represent that people new to Buddhism should be helped by older Buddhists. Happens every year
  • Shabbat (Judaism ritual)

    Shabbat (Judaism ritual)
    Happens every Friday at sundown. Jews gather at a synagogue and then go to a family gathering. Held every year
  • Kathina Ceremony (Buddhism)

    Kathina Ceremony (Buddhism)
    It is held on a day within a month after the three-month rain season has concluded. Occurs every year
  • Passover (Judaism celebration)

    Passover (Judaism celebration)
    It is a week-long holiday and includes a balanced meal. Held every year
  • Dhamma Day (Buddhism)

    Dhamma Day (Buddhism)
    It celebrates the "turning of the wheel of the Dharma". That is the Buddha's first sermon. Occurs every year
  • Brit Milah (Judaism ritual)

    Brit Milah (Judaism ritual)
    Happens to a male baby eight days after he is born. Brit Milah is the act of circumcision and is celebrated with a meal afterward. Held every year.
  • Death ceremony (Islam)

    Death ceremony (Islam)
    The body of the deceased is buried as quickly as possible. Normally happens the same day and near the location of death. The body is cleaned before burial. Happens all the time
  • Holi (Hinduism)

    Holi (Hinduism)
    It is known as "the festival of colours". People spend the day throwing water and coloured powder at one another
  • Raksha Bandhan (Hinduism)

    Raksha Bandhan (Hinduism)
    Celebrates the bond between a sister and a brother. Happens every year
  • Birth (First Nations)

    Birth (First Nations)
    Before the baby is born, a mother will breastfeed a baby fox or raccoon. It will then become part of the family until it dies and then grieving will take place. Happens all the time
  • Devali (Hinduism)

    Devali (Hinduism)
    It is also known as the Festival of Lights. Hindus decorate their homes and Mandirs with lights. Happens every year and occurs mid-September and mid-November.
  • Navaratri (Hinduism)

    Navaratri (Hinduism)
    It is a festival of worship and dance. It happens in September-October and happens every year
  • Strawberry festival (First Nations)

    Strawberry festival (First Nations)
    The crops of strawberries signal Mother Earth's fertility and the Creator's loving care. Held every year
  • Bean and Green Corn Festival (First Nations)

    Bean and Green Corn Festival (First Nations)
    Honours the Creator and the Corn Mother for creating squash, corn, and beans. Held every year
  • Maple festival (First Nation)

    Maple festival (First Nation)
    Gives thanks to the creator for creating the forests and the maple trees. Happens every year
  • Gurpurb (Sikhism)

    Gurpurb (Sikhism)
    Occurs on the birth or death of a Guru. Happens every year
  • Jore Melas (Sikhism)

    Jore Melas (Sikhism)
    Has multiple celebrations. It also allows Sikhs to come together in community. Happens every year
  • Baisakhi New Year Festival (Sikhism)

    Baisakhi New Year Festival (Sikhism)
    Sikhs give thanks for the harvest and gather to listen to the Guru's teachings. Happens every year on April 13 or 14.