Period: 100 to 313
From 100CE to 313CE
Once the apostolic community was no longer on the scene, the developing liturgy increasingly read and reflected on the writings of the Church Fathers such as Paul. When Jewish – Christians were no longer welcome at the synagogue service, they added its prayers, singing, chanting, and a homily to the Eucharistic liturgy. -
Period: 313 to 700
From 313CE to 700CE
With the arrival of emperor Constantine, Christianity became legal. Constantine protected the church from persecution with leaders bishops finance the building of churches. The simple celebration of the Eucharist was now celebrated in basilicas, the ceremony included processions, genuflection, candles, license and priests wore vestments. Latin is the main language used in Eucharist. During 6th and 7th century the church spread throughout the world Rome became a symbol of unity. -
Period: 701 to
From 701CE to 1969
The priest would celebrate the Eucharist with his back to the people. There was no participation by lay people in the mass except for signing of the hymns. The clergy’s role in the mass grew in status, he alone would read the readings. The elevation of the consecrated bread and wine gave the sense that the host was an object with “special powers”. People considered themselves unworthy of communion.