Religion Discrimination

  • Aug 1, 1500

    Roman Catholic

    Roman Catholic
    This century was when Roman Catholic and on to 19th - 20th century, French took over and abused their power- forced natives to become Catholic
  • When did religion hate started?

    When did religion hate started?
    Well, this is hard to say because as these religions were created, the Jews hated the Catholic because of their rule and same applied to the Romans. Same goes for Islam and Muslim
  • ISIS

    ISIS was created by a group of Muslim people
  • Terrosists

    21 Muslim terrorists killed 2, 977 people
  • Rivalries

    Rivalries were created between Sunni and Shiite Moslems, targetting each other by bombing and terrorist acts
  • Political War

    Civil war broke out in Syria because of political issues, splitting up. Countries from North America and Europe came all the way to join force to fight
  • ISIS

    ISIS reappeared in April 2013 after their leader died and Al-Baghdadi became the new leader who named the group ISIS. In 2014, they kidnapped over 140 schoolboys, forcing them to learn about Islamic theology
  • Land

    ISIS took over Mosul, Tikrit, Al-Qaim- a town near Syria and other 3 towns
  • Paris Bomb

    Paris Bomb
    They hit Paris on Friday the 13th and killed nearly 128 people from suicide bombers.
  • Hatred

    Due to ISIS bombing and rivalries because of religion, this tells me the level of hate for religions are rising up, especially against Muslim.