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Religion convicts

By MayaVC
  • Convicts

    30 per cent of the convicts were baptised Catholics
  • Governor Philip

    Order for you to go to the Anglican church every Sunday. They got flogged if they did not go to church
  • Shipped

    In 1791 first Irish transported to Botany Bay
  • Early Governor

    The governors said no to the request of the convicts for a Catholic Church
  • Trust

    Governor Philip decided that fr dixson was allowed to run a school cause they trusted him
  • Convicts

    At the year of 1803 an amount of 2086 convicts have been shipped to Botany Bay
  • Mass

    Castle Hill control results in fr Dixon’s allow for to conduct Mass
    Being taken out
  • Fr Jemima Flynn a

    He arrives to minister to convict Catholics but he does not have the official for disobeying a law or rule
  • Fr Connolly

    Fr Connolly
    Fr Connolly leaves for Hobart leaving father John therry the only priest on mainland Australia
  • Catholic schools

    Catholic schools
    In 1833 there was about ten schools