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Religion 1788-1850

  • Baptism

    30% of convicts that arrived to the new south land were baptised
    Catholics but most of the convicts were Irish. Which didn’t have much interest in being a Catholic or have faith in religion
  • Church

    In 1788,Governor Phillip sent all the convicts to mass at the Anglican Church
  • Prayers

    The Catholic had to find a safe place to keep up there faith in God they were to say prayers. Sometimes they would to come to each other’s homes. On Sunday mornings they would say prayers from there Catholic masses . Most family’s may baptised there children by themselves, because there was no priest there at the moment.
  • Fr Dixon

    Fr Dixon
    Fr Dixon was transported because he disturb the Irish rebellion then became an educated the kids on the new land. Then he stared working as a priest among the people on the land.