Religion 1788-1850

  • Irish Convicts

    Irish Convicts
    About 30% of the 759 convicts on the first fleet were baptised Catholics. Most of the convicts on the first fleet were lrish that had very little Catholic faith or interest about it. In the middle of 1787 and 1852 even more the 150,000 convicts were transferred to eastern Australia most of them were Irish the amount of them was about 50,000
  • First fleet arrives

    First fleet arrives
    The first fleet arrives in New South Wales
  • Governor Philips order

    Governor Philips order
    Governor Philip orders every convict to go to church
  • Irish convicts arrive

    Irish convicts arrive
    The first Irish convicts arrive in New South Wales
  • convicts asked for a Catholic Church

    convicts asked for a Catholic Church
    Catholic settlers arrived at paramatta and asked governor Philip for a Catholic Church
  • Father Dixon was arrested

    Father Dixon was arrested
    Father Dixon was arrested in the Irish rebellion
  • Arrives

    Father Dixon arrives in New South Wales
  • First public mass

    First public mass
    Father Dixon did his first mass
  • Father Jeremiah

    Father Jeremiah
    Father Jeremiah arrives to minister to convict Catholics but he does not have the affisiant sanction or. He will be arrested
  • Father Dixon becomes a priest

    Father Dixon becomes a priest
  • Father John-Therry and father Philip

    Father John-Therry   and father Philip
    Father John therry and father Philip Australia’s first priests arrive in Sydney
  • The British goverment passed the Australian colony’s goverment

    The British goverment passed the Australian colony’s goverment